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OT: Easter Scavenger Hunt
mad4x4 - 27/2/13 at 11:01 PM

Planning a Charity Easter Scavanger Hunt for Joe Public to enter in our village as a fund raiser for the Cubs & Scouts

Need some Ideas of how to Plan run the events.

Do i do it like a treasure Hunt
Scavanger e.g find 5 items starting with A , 5 with B etc?

We could place eggs (pictures) about and put a bar code on each one?

Just need a little guidance any one set something like this up

Plan is for end of march.


Charlie_Zetec - 28/2/13 at 12:16 AM

If it's with adult supervision, could do it using maps, compass and grid references? Each group can have a different route, and mini egg at the location in a sealed case?

Alphabet scavenger hunt is always a good choice, plenty of variety to be had!

Bar codes are a big step - can you not just use something brightly coloured as a marker eg. bit of red rag or similar?