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Name that thing
loggyboy - 3/7/23 at 11:16 AM

OK guys - this site is the font of all random knowledge and experience - im struggling to find (or just name) a part that may not exist.
I want a part to hook a loop of 2-3mm wire on to, its effectively a bobbin, amost a pulley that doesnt need to turn. Ideally stainless or alloy but plastic may work.

Its no doubt something that could be turned easily enough, but id much rather buy off the shelf.
The only similar product i know of is the quick release bumper things that use rubber loops. but these are too big.

Ideally want it about 5mm thick, 10-15mm diameter with a 5-8mm bolt hole, preferably counter sunk.

I really after a name more than exact match so I can search more, but bobbin is closest i can think of so far but has been fruitless.




[Edited on 3/7/23 by loggyboy]

40inches - 3/7/23 at 12:15 PM

Does it need to be in one piece? Possibly use 2 shouldered spacers? Bonded together?

nick205 - 3/7/23 at 01:22 PM

Surely there's somebody on here with a lathe who could turn you something like that from stainless or plastic?

You can spec the dimensions you want against what material stock they have.

christim - 3/7/23 at 01:37 PM

with those dimensions I wonder if sewing machine bobbins could suit?
something like this: eBay link

...but yes, bobbin. Or spool

[Edited on 3/7/2023 by christim]

jacko - 3/7/23 at 06:02 PM

Tarpaulin plastic roller cleats. 10 for £4 . 85 on eBay

adithorp - 3/7/23 at 10:57 PM

Google cable guide pulley. Lots of stuff comes up that you could use.

number-1 - 4/7/23 at 04:21 PM

Motorcycle paddock stand bobbin or metal spool?

[Edited on 4/7/23 by number-1]

gremlin1234 - 4/7/23 at 08:26 PM

Originally posted by jacko
Tarpaulin plastic roller cleats. 10 for £4 . 85 on eBay

I think from the description, that is exactly what is required.

otherwise the older version like this, might suffice.

[Edited on 5-7-2023 by gremlin1234]

indykid - 5/7/23 at 03:01 PM

You said you wanted off the shelf, but you can have these 2 for the cost of postage if you want, but don't feel obliged if you've sorted something in the meantime. I can't see when the OP was, it could have been months ago

They're 303 stainless btw, 15mm OD, 6.2 ID, 5 long, countersunk 10x90° for an M5 screw just sub flush or an M6 sat slightly proud.


[Edited on 1 by indykid]