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MNR price list
Opirun - 31/3/13 at 09:26 PM

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone has the latest MNR price list?


Talon Motorsport - 31/3/13 at 09:47 PM

Call them.

hootsno1 - 31/3/13 at 09:48 PM

Or try this

Opirun - 31/3/13 at 10:14 PM

So sorry, I mean a price list for Mac#1

I have emailed them but can't wait to find out

PAUL FISHER - 31/3/13 at 10:29 PM

Not sure how up to date it is, but this may give you a good idea.

Opirun - 1/4/13 at 03:55 PM

Thanks Paul Fisher

PAUL FISHER - 1/4/13 at 05:26 PM

Ive never built a Mac 1, but if I was going to build another kit, theres a good chance it would be a zx10r Mac1, nice bit of kit, backed up with top service from Mark and Colin, I know you would not regret building a Mac1