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thetankwad - 20/12/02 at 10:46 AM

you chaps got a website so i can see what the V8 looks like, or any of the others for that matter. I live in Scotland, so i cant really pop round for a visit, you see...

thetankwad - 20/12/02 at 10:47 AM

Ps, Where is Rockinham?

Simon - 20/12/02 at 12:33 PM

jollygreengiant - 20/12/02 at 03:04 PM

The Scotland of the South ---- Corby Northants

billy - 25/12/02 at 09:19 PM

its nice to hear that they have moved from ramsy heights cos when they were with old man ron champion and we went out there to buy a complete kit from them,my god it was right out off the beaten track down millions of tiny lanes,over huge unseen humps in the road.etc etc. ill say this tho there a nice bunch of blokes and very proffessional at there job,we had a nice tour around and were very impressed. ive seen alot of kit cars now and im very pleased with the choise (even tho house move and renovation has stopped me finishing it)