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Which donor cars can u use 4 racing???????
I love speed :-P - 6/10/03 at 04:42 PM

I have been looking around for an escort but have not found any so i have 2 questions>

1) 4 those who r racing what if somethin brake. ie the axle do u have to wiat of another donor to come along or can u by the bits from somewhere else?

2) do u have to ues the escort ro can u use somethin else i though somethin like a capri but they are wider so would it be agesnt the rules????

p.s. are there any other racing sereis instead of the 750mc???

Tanks 4 ur time

Philip Moreton

GParkes - 8/10/03 at 12:08 PM


I think there are shortages of escort parts in some areas of the country. For the locost championship you have to use the mk2 axle (as far as I am aware) as the car must conform to the dimensions in Rons book, which used the mk 2 axle. (unless the same axle was fitted to any other cars). If you break it you have to find another!!

I think the regs for the kit car champ run by 750mc allow a wider choice of running gear. Not sure if there are other series for this type of car elsewhere.

There are mk2 escorts around, you must just live in a hotspot of locost activity! I presume you have tried all your local breakers/scrapyards. Its only really the axle that has to come from the escort, the front hubs usually come from the cortina but I think others can be used, and the engine/gearboxes were fitted to a range of cars. So you can acquire the components individually.

Hope the above is some use, I’m no expert so probably best to call the 750mc to check exactly what you can use.


ned - 8/10/03 at 01:08 PM

there are 5ish mk1/2 escorts in a scrappy in west sussex if this is of any use.

Another one to consider might be the rgb (road going bike engined series) run by the 750mc if you're building a bike engined car. As Gparkes says, the ktcar series with the 750mc is an other option, perhaps an 1800 zetec car would be interesting to keep it locost and relatively simple? Other alternatives could be regional championships such as SEMSEC, Darlington & District, Northern sports cars etc etc.


or castle combe GT's if they're still running..

[Edited on 8/10/03 by ned]

[Edited on 8/10/03 by ned]

locoboy - 8/10/03 at 02:02 PM


looks like your rear wheel could do with balancing!

I love speed :-P - 8/10/03 at 03:02 PM

"I presume you have tried all your local breakers/scrapyards"

When i went to my local scrapyeard they jsut laught at me.

p.s. some1 has siad near where i live they have a mk2 rear axle but no diff, so would it be possbile to put another diff in it ie out of a capri or somethin???? if so what other donor car do i need 4 all of the other bits???

Thanks 4 ur time

Philip Moreton

GParkes - 8/10/03 at 08:25 PM

Yes you can get that response from some breakers!

I have the 2003 locost regs and they state that the diff must be from the Ford Cortina, Escort, or Capri range of cars, the diff housing must be cast iron. Some guys may change diffs for different tracks but I think elsewhere on this site a 3.89 or thereabouts is suggested as a good all rounder, thats what I use and it seems fine.

I've been told that the Cortina front uprights are the best to use.

The engines were found in escorts and cortinas I believe + loads of other applications - water pumps etc! check out the regs on the 750mc website for full engine spec. Gearbox can be 4 or 5 speed from the escort, cortina or sierra. I think thats about it for the major mechanicals.


D Beddows - 8/10/03 at 08:26 PM

Oh so it's me again!! whatever happened to that Daniel Lee Stevens top racer bloke who offered to give advice all new racers building their cars? I know, I know, sorry...... rant over!

Capri running gear is out as it is too wide, to be honest it wouldn't be ideal for RGBs or Kit Cars either as the dimensions of the car you built round it wouldn't be ideal for racing either.

The only rear axle casing you can use and be legal realy is from a MK1 or 2 Escort (and unless you want more complication than you need I would avoid the RS2000 MK2 Escort axles as well)

The only bits you need from an Escort are the axle, the steering rack (which you will need to rebuild anyway with a quick rack) and the engine/gearbox to rebuild and to be honest it's not worth the hastle of finding an Escort cheap enough just to get those bits anymore.

As I've said before get down to W.H.Smiths and buy 'classicford' and have a look through the adverts, it's all there and often for a good price and to be honest it's where most of us racers look nowadays


I love speed :-P - 8/10/03 at 08:55 PM

Thanks For that u lot, i will get "classicford" 2morrow.

p.s. is they any1 in the chapionship with a road legill car??? or are they all "out and out racers"????

Once Again thanks 4 ur time

Philip Moreton

[Edited on 8/10/03 by I love speed :-P]

DickieB - 9/10/03 at 07:55 AM

Mine is road legal, SVA'd with V5 number plates etc. Although I don't tax, MOT or insure it as I need that money to spend on racing! And I would't particularly fancy driving it on the road.

darryl beckwith - 9/10/03 at 06:51 PM

Your Quicker then all of us down the straights dan


ps and you do a great spin (at ever race)

pps try not to lose any more wheels at Mallory like you did at cadwell (doing up the wheel nuts helps mate)