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colapsable column
locoboy - 29/2/04 at 01:58 PM

I have a cortina column that has what looks like a big spring at the top of it and when you push the steering wheel it compresses, is this deemed to colapsable? even though it springs back?

On inspection of the sierra one i have it looks like once its been deformed it stays deformed.

P.S i think its a cortina one? maybe Escort? can any one id it?


theconrodkid - 29/2/04 at 03:02 PM

that spring only holds everything tight,has it got a convaluted outer section and is the shaft triangular?if so its a collapser

locoboy - 29/2/04 at 04:12 PM

Oh Balls,

thought it was too good to be true

problem is its already wired to the column switches for this column!

So the consensus is that it must have a collapsable section then?

Jon Ison - 29/2/04 at 04:22 PM

it still should be unless you have shortened it in some way, is the end of the shaft triangular and do you have a convaluted section along its length ?? take n post a pic of other end for us to see.........

Avoneer - 29/2/04 at 05:10 PM

Does it really have to be collapsable for SVA? I though (probably wrong) that it just have to have a dog leg in the shaft so that it doesn't smack you in the face in the event of a head on?
P.S. I have a collapsable one anyway, just trying to help if their is no collapsable bit on colmaccoll's.

Jon Ison - 29/2/04 at 05:13 PM

its the triangular bit n dog leg i'm hoping to see if he can post a pic, but most cortina ones are collapsable too

Avoneer - 29/2/04 at 05:34 PM

Yeah, we definately require a pic!!!

Jon Ison - 29/2/04 at 05:45 PM

i knew it had been discussed B4, read this, Steve Gust posted some good info in the thread too, should help.......

locoboy - 29/2/04 at 10:49 PM

Thanks for the interest guys, and a good thread link to Jon,

i shall take a piccy of the other end in the morning, Im pretty sure it aint triangular and im also pretty sure there is no consertina (sp) type affair, its a tube about 30mm diameter all the way down to where a smaller diameter tube pops out the end to meet with a splined uj,

All from memory might i add, will confirm with piccy in the morning.

locoboy - 29/2/04 at 10:55 PM

braved the frost and just too these, have i got the rarest column going or what? ohhh er missus!

column UJ
column UJ

[Edited on 29/2/04 by colmaccoll]
end column
end column

[Edited on 29/2/04 by colmaccoll]

locoboy - 2/3/04 at 01:27 PM

no further comments? can anyone identify the column for me?

im making a new dash and dont want to fully cut the blank out yet until i establish if i need a new column or not?

Please please please please !

theconrodkid - 2/3/04 at 01:56 PM

got me there,top looks like escort,dont recognise the bit U/J down tho,if its escort it wont be colapsing