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Kev999 - 24/7/03 at 08:18 PM

Hi, I'm new to this site and was wondering if you guys could help me out. I was having a quick look at the DVLA site about registering vehicles and have a few questions.
1. Do you need reciepts for all the parts you put on the car, as the engine I'm hoping to use I don't have any paperwork for(cash in hand job!).
2. If the engine had no engine number on it would this be a problem? The engine is from a 92 car.
3. Is building the car from one donar vehicle, getting through the sva and then changing the engine allowed?

Any help would be appreciated

p.s the engine is a 3ltr bmw m3 lump

thetankwad - 25/7/03 at 09:32 AM

not too hot on all the questions, but if the engine is post 92, then it will require a catalytic convertor, and will need to pass an emmisions test. might be a better idea to buy an old shagged 3 series, build the car with the older and less strictly controlled engine, then pop the M3 lump in after the test. im not sure if this would work though, as just as you asked, im not sure if a re test is required on an engine change...

Mark H - 25/7/03 at 12:30 PM

Hi Kev - welcome to the site.

1. Receipts help when it comes to trying to get a new (eg 03 reg) plate. You can have one recon part (eg the engine) but everything else would need to be "new".

If you want an age related plate (ie the same age as your donor) you need a majority of the parts from it (Including a combo of engine, gearbox, chassis, susension).

What happens in most cases is you get a Q. Suddenly receipts are less important, but the DVLA like to look through a wad of receipts to get things like any reference numbers.

HAve a look on the search facility - this has been discussed many times. I would suggest you will get a Q plate, so don't worry unduly!

2. If there is no engine number on, go to a scrappy and use a number on a knackered engine. From tankwads post, you would want a number from a pre-92 car, for easier emmission testing. You will need a letter from the manufacturer stating that your engine was manufactured on mm/yy.

Again, if you have a search, this topic has been bought up many times.

3. The engine you use is the one that gets you the SVA. As in normal cars, if you change the engine, you just tell the DVLA via your V5 or whatever. It doesn't need re-testing. Remember to tell your insurance (or probably better to tell them the cc of the new engine).

Hope this helps!!

Off for a lie down now.......

Macca - 25/7/03 at 12:38 PM

but if the engine is post 92, then it will require a catalytic convertor

Thought it became law in 96, uptil then it was optional?

andyd - 25/7/03 at 01:14 PM

The cut off date for CAT requirement is 31st July 1995. Any engine that was manufactured (not necessarily fitted) before (or on) this date is except from a CAT test. I think (not sure) that even if the engine was fitted in a car that had a CAT originally when fitted in a locost it does not require it.

The engine I'll be using is a Honda fireblade made in Nov '95 and registered in the bike Jan '96 so I'll need a CAT!

zetec - 25/7/03 at 09:20 PM

My "94 Zetec got thru SVA without a cat, but as said you do need evidence that the engine was built before "95 cut off date.