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Jesus-Ninja and Saab Engines
flibble - 2/11/08 at 10:50 AM

Having decided to go with a 2.0 turbo Saab engine (b204) I was quite chuffed to see that I am not alone

Just wondered how far along you are with the wiring? I have come to a bit of a stop at the moment and although I'm making sense of it slowly, I have to say , it's making my brain hurt! Electrics are most definatly my weakest point

I've got the main wiring loom from the Trionic ECU to most of the major components worked out thanks to the WIS (feel free to have a copy if you need it, its great!), but Ive got no fuse/relay boxes yet and wondered if you used the originals or just wired in seperatly the few you need, and maybe a hint as to how you hooked up the fuses/battery/key/relays etc.

If there were any piccies of your loom 'so far' that I could peruse I'd love you forever!

(WIS is the Saab Tech's Workshop Information System for the PC incase you havn't stumbled upon it yet)


PS. If you want a free Saab FWD gearbox for spare I've just popped mine off, its 60k Miles apparantly)

[Edited on 2/11/08 by flibble]

RichardK - 2/11/08 at 11:15 AM

You maybe better off sending him this message on a u2u as he may not log in frequently and may miss it, at least with a u2u he'll get it eventually.

Just a thought as you seem to be asking him a direct question but I'm if anyone else has some knowledge they'll add their two pence worth!



flibble - 2/11/08 at 11:22 AM

ya, I thought about that but then decided to post it incase any helpful Saab hints come out for people who need it at a later date
I shall PM him to say Im poking him for info though!

tomgregory2000 - 2/11/08 at 11:26 AM

what cog box r u hanging off the back of that?

flibble - 2/11/08 at 11:30 AM

The gearbox I chose was a V6 Vaux Omega RWD unit (Getrag?), hasnt turned up yet so I hope it fits! I gleaned that bit of info from past post on here, hopefully I got it right!

tomgregory2000 - 2/11/08 at 12:14 PM

cool, sunds very intresting, keep us updated with photos as it sounds like somthing i would like to do, do you have any dims of the engine L x W x H?

rusty nuts - 2/11/08 at 12:36 PM

Don't know if you have seen it but PPC mag have been converting an Escort to Saab turbo , may be of help.

flibble - 2/11/08 at 01:04 PM

For tomgregory2000:
(The 590mm Width was measured after the PS and AC pumps were ripped off and the 530mm length was from end of crank pulley to bellhousing mount face)
Oh, and as for the weight, its quite heavy judging by the torn ligament in my arm id say over 170Kgs with the gearbox on??

Rusty, I've seen reference to the PPC mag before but never managed to find it in any shops yet, are they available online somewhere?

[Edited on 2/11/08 by flibble]

rusty nuts - 2/11/08 at 01:09 PM

Don't know about online but I may?? still have the mags , will look for them and let you know.

andybod - 2/11/08 at 01:13 PM

if the engine is out of a saab 9000 you can swop the sumps off a b205 block from a 9-3 as these are shallower also worth cleaning sump out as later engines did have problems with sludging and blocking oil pick up pipe

flibble - 2/11/08 at 01:16 PM

Cool, thanks - youve solved a problem for me I hadnt even looked into yet
Off to a scrappy for b205 hunting..

And rusty, if you could find the issue number of the Saab article, that'd be wonderful

[Edited on 2/11/08 by flibble]

[Edited on 2/11/08 by flibble]

Jesus-Ninja - 2/11/08 at 08:58 PM

Hello Got your U2U and here I am

Wiring? No, not even that far along. I bought an entire Saab 9000 2.3 FPT (1997 - so basically the aero lump and box - 225bhp ), I'm also using it transversely, so no gearbox excitement for me. I stripped the entire loom complete from the donor, and plan to use the loom, as is, in my project, including ecu, fusebox, clocks, steering column with stalks and dash buttons, and then strip back anythinh I don't need.

flibble - 2/11/08 at 11:27 PM

Hiya, cheers for getting on here

Pretty sure the engines are almost identical, I thought about buying a whole Saab - much better idea - but sadly with 2 cars and 4 bikes taking up all my space it was a no go!
Unfortunate about your wiring .....although on the offchance you happen to walk past your loom with a camera.. I might be able to see what I'm missing, hehe!

Also, incase you stop past here again, I shall (if it ever runs) be messing with the Trionic module with the help of "The ECUproject" and "T5 Suite" which would enable all sorts of tuning possibilities via laptop - they really are worth looking at if you havn't already. Think Megasquirt but more user friendly , I'll let you know how it goes!
(The offer of the WIS is always open if you ever need it btw, faaar better than a Haynes Manual)

Cheers again

j30fos - 16/1/09 at 11:52 PM

Kev are you the guy that sent me an email asking about my loom, if so, I've spoke to the guy in sweden and he said his mate that works for saab will make you an engine loom for your car. These loom are plug and play, makes life so much easier, so check your email for Patriks email address.

How far have you got with it?

Hope that helps


ps. Patrik has just smashed his BGH E7 type 9 to bits, he is now converting to a BMW gearbox

PerS - 17/1/09 at 11:58 AM

Swedish SAAB-locosts:


flibble - 17/1/09 at 12:47 PM

Hi j30fos, yep, that was me - sorry for the hassle!
My Emails been down for over a week now so I havn't read Patriks address yet, should be up again shortly so thanks for finding it
That said, hopefully I wont need it as I bit the bullet and have made a loom now, and it did fire up (no petrol, just a squirt of "easy start" in the intake) So fingers crossed!
Took about 3 weeks of staring at wiring diagrams before the little light in my head clicked on and it made a little sense
Just got to fit the efi fuel pump to my tank,buy an oil and air cooler and other bits that I forgot to buy before and hopfully we have lift off.
Gearbox turned up while I was typing this (v6 vaux omega) - woohoo
Cheers again j30fos and everyone for the help.

j30fos - 18/1/09 at 09:35 AM

Cool, if you are going to go for an uprate ECU I can recommend Maptun in Sweden. They did mine and sqeezed 285 bhp out of standard kit ie. turbo/engine/injectors etc etc. got to say, with the torque of the B204l engine 285 is plenty enough

You'll love it, have you sorted the clearence issue ie. sump?

flibble - 18/1/09 at 11:18 AM

Once it's up and running I'll think about tuning the ECU, have decided to have a crack at doing that myself... possibly a bad idea but I'll try anyway!
Havn't started on the sump yet aside from taking it off to have a peek in and see if it had the Saab sludge problem that seems to plague them, all looked clear thankfully