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Handbrake Question
Daddylonglegs - 18/3/11 at 07:47 PM

Evenin' all.

Looking for suggestions on how to fix the cables to the equaliser I made for the handbrake. I can set adjustment of the outer cables using the adjuster in the first picture (just under the date), but there is a spring at the other end between the cable outer and the end stop so I'm assuming that is not the way to do it?

BTW, only one cable fitted so far before someone tells me off

I have a couple of clamps from a Chandlers as shown here:

Duplex Wire Clip
Duplex Wire Clip

but not sure if Mr IVA will like them? Also, I do not have access to a lathe before someone suggests drilling a bolt down the centre (which I know is a good way).

Any ideas please guys?



austin man - 18/3/11 at 08:58 PM

we didnt have a lathe so drille a bolt down the centre anyway using a pillar drill

Daddylonglegs - 19/3/11 at 07:49 PM

Well, thanks to austin man for the inspiration

Decided to have a go at the pillar drill trick myself. A bit of thought on how to hold the bolt vertical and away we go....

Worked a treat, I used the duplex wire clips rather than attempt a weld/brazing c*ck-up!, just wrapped the cable along one side and around then down the other. There is no way it is going to come out of there (tempting fate or what?). Manufactured the posts to support the outer cable on the axle, and I now have a working handbrake, with adjustment, hoorah! Tick another job off the 'to do' list