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Gas Bottle Wood Burner Part 2 !
rayward - 25/11/10 at 08:28 PM

following on from THIS thread..............

my attempt at making a wood burner from an old gas bottle,

took a few days to pluck up the courage to make the first cut, went ok in the end

decided to try it out on the coldest day of the year !!!



Daddylonglegs - 25/11/10 at 08:32 PM

What are you guys using for stove pipes?

tony-devon - 25/11/10 at 09:09 PM

when working properly they are amazingly effective

oadamo - 25/11/10 at 10:03 PM

i made one at my mates unit today out of a 205L drum ill get some pics tomorrow its massive lol. cup of diesel and some wood his unit was warm in 30 mins. we found plastic burns the best it gets it nice and hot for some reason and we found put carpet smells like burning dog poo lol.

suparuss - 25/11/10 at 10:09 PM

i made one of these year or so ago for burning saw dust using a gas bottle, an old land rover brake disk and some kind of old solid cast steel wheel as a lid! works briliantly. it has a pipe to feed preheated air to the bottom which is needed for saw dust.
a good tip- if you are burning saw dust drop a piece of 3" pipe into the stove and sit it against the feed pipe, and ram the saw dust around it. the pull out the pipe and push a rod through the feed pipe to open up a hole.
now when you light the fire make sure you get embers down into the hole that you created and in will burn like a rocket from the get go!