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stuleah - 10/8/11 at 09:06 PM


Valdris now on ebay

NigeEss - 10/8/11 at 10:37 PM

No intention to offend, simply excercising my freedom of speech, but IMHO
it's one of the fugliest kits around and one must me insane to pay ten grand
for one.

ashg - 11/8/11 at 06:26 AM

ah but the point you are missing is that its almost a replica of the ktm crossbow so it will be desirable to quite a few people. i dont think he will have a problem selling it to be honest

[Edited on 11/8/2011 by ashg]

russbost - 11/8/11 at 07:18 AM

Good luck with the sale Stu - hope you do well out of it!

myke pocock - 11/8/11 at 12:54 PM


stuleah - 11/8/11 at 06:29 PM

Already had some quite nice offers,as for the comment about it being fugly you really ought to come out in it for an hour. I get more compliments than you can imagine and everyone that drives past nearly break there neck to look at it. Personally i think it looks awesome and hate the look of Lotus 7 styles but to say they are Fugly would just be me being pathetic. The lotus seven is a very nice car and a few of my mates have them but i wouldnt ever own one because i dont like the look. Funny thing is every person (and i mean everyone so far) that has said it is FUGLY drives a lotus 7 style car.
Please do not take this personally anyone with one.

AndyRead - 11/8/11 at 06:35 PM

Good for you Stu,

Great looking car!

Good luck with the sale.

stuleah - 11/8/11 at 06:39 PM

Cheers Andy