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Favorite Film of All Time
chris_smith - 9/5/08 at 08:53 AM

as thew title what is your favorite film?

mine is Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) superbly funny

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[Edited on 9/5/08 by chris_smith]

McLannahan - 9/5/08 at 08:57 AM

Good call on Bueller - qaulity film!

Mine would be Shawshank Redemption

Great film!

nib1980 - 9/5/08 at 09:00 AM

cannon ball run tied with Spaceballs

iiyama - 9/5/08 at 09:02 AM

Shawshank, Green Mile and Aliens joint top!

twybrow - 9/5/08 at 09:08 AM

All good choices. I would say Platoon is right up there for me - great film.

Pdlewis - 9/5/08 at 09:11 AM

lock stock and two smoking barrels - Classic never get tired of watching it

Paul TigerB6 - 9/5/08 at 09:11 AM

Originally posted by chris_smith
as thew title what is your favorite film?

mine is Ferris Bueller's Day Off (1986) superbly funny

Thats right up there in my list too. Quality totty in a Ferrari 250GT California - works for me.

Saving Private Ryan pips it for me though

Guinness - 9/5/08 at 09:16 AM

Italian Job.

No questions asked.


Benzine - 9/5/08 at 09:16 AM


meany - 9/5/08 at 09:22 AM

the original italian Job.

meany - 9/5/08 at 09:25 AM

we did this at home once.
desert island films...

i came up with
italian job
get carter

i think there is a connection there somewhere but i cant quite put my finger on it..

Paul TigerB6 - 9/5/08 at 09:32 AM

Originally posted by meany
we did this at home once.
desert island films...

i came up with
italian job
get carter

i think there is a connection there somewhere but i cant quite put my finger on it..

Just a little connection yeah!!! So who is your favourite actor then????

UncleFista - 9/5/08 at 09:39 AM

Apocalypse Now

Hammerhead - 9/5/08 at 09:45 AM

Star Wars

Use the force Luke!

mookaloid - 9/5/08 at 09:47 AM

Pulp Fiction


oh and Kill Bill

ah and Kill Bill 2

er all the Matrix, Alien series - oh where do I stop????

[Edited on 9/5/08 by mookaloid]

trogdor - 9/5/08 at 09:48 AM

The Blues Brothers

Mr Whippy - 9/5/08 at 09:49 AM


iank - 9/5/08 at 10:06 AM

Originally posted by Mr Whippy

Excellent choice can't think of just one.

Wicker Man (original version)
Blues Brothers
Angel Heart

speedyxjs - 9/5/08 at 10:06 AM

The ring
The ring 2
All the back to the future's
Most of the herbies

britishtrident - 9/5/08 at 10:20 AM

Blazing Saddles
Dirty Harry
African Queen
Vanishing Point (original)
Young Frankenstein
The Producers-1968 version
The Dam Busters
The Cruel sea
28 Days Later

smart51 - 9/5/08 at 10:53 AM

The Matrix

(the first one, obviously, not the other two)

Guinness - 9/5/08 at 10:54 AM

This is turning into my dream DVD collection!

Blazing Saddles / Blues Brothers etc etc!


Davey D - 9/5/08 at 11:01 AM

One of my Fave of all time is Waynes World... Party on Wayne!!

speedyxjs - 9/5/08 at 11:05 AM

Ooh i forgot about waynes world

chrisg - 9/5/08 at 11:09 AM

Monty Python's Life of brian.

and Goodfellas



eznfrank - 9/5/08 at 11:17 AM

What about Gumball Rally - not the Gumball 3000 documentaries, i mean the original film that rocks and a very pretty t-bucket in it towards the end.

What about Rendezvous (c'etait un) does that count as a film??

And initial D - drift racer, in japanese but still rocks.

flak monkey - 9/5/08 at 11:19 AM

Leaving Las Vegas
Bringing Out the Dead
American Beauty
Donnie Darko

Spyderman - 9/5/08 at 12:07 PM

Gone in Sixty seconds, the original Halicki film.

The Italian Job, original
Blues Brothers 1 and 2
Vanishing point, both versions, but original is slightly better.
Cannonball 1 and 2
Gumball Rally
And of course Bullit!

Other memorable car films include "Dirty Mary, Crazy Larry" and "Thunderbolt and Lightfoot".

eznfrank - 9/5/08 at 12:10 PM

What about the slightly rarer Cannonball 3 - Speedzone?? I got a copy from Holland, worth a watch but not a patch on the originals.

BenB - 9/5/08 at 12:13 PM

No way! Not Blues Brothers 2!! That blew chunks!!!

1) Raiders of the Lost Ark
2) Le Mans (just for the soundtrack)
3) Blues Brothers 1
4) When Harry Met Sally

big southern softy me

Mr Whippy - 9/5/08 at 12:30 PM

Originally posted by BenB

2) Le Mans (just for the soundtrack)

I thought the cars were the best bit, simply stunning

If I won the lottary -

[Edited on 9/5/08 by Mr Whippy]

DaveFJ - 9/5/08 at 12:42 PM

One that (I dont think) anyone else has mentioned....

Children of Men...... shocking and scary - coz it is so close to the truth! and amazing camera work.

davie h - 9/5/08 at 12:51 PM

the first matrix


GaryM - 9/5/08 at 01:03 PM

Thomas Crown Affair (remake)

Mr Whippy - 9/5/08 at 01:04 PM

anyone who hasn't seen Brazil should, honestly

though not if your feeling deperessed

welderman - 9/5/08 at 01:22 PM

love films.

blues brothers
death race 2000
the warriors
mad max, first one
Blazing Saddles
american pie all of em
plus more

eznfrank - 9/5/08 at 01:28 PM

Death race?? I have it in my collection but it's tosh i reckon.

No mention of the Smokey series yet???

mookaloid - 9/5/08 at 01:50 PM

Anything with Clint Eastwood - except Paint Your Wagon

liam.mccaffrey - 9/5/08 at 02:21 PM

The Usual Suspects

What a brilliant twist

jimmyjoebob - 9/5/08 at 03:27 PM

Dr Strangelove

President: Gentlemen, please! You can't fight in here. This is the war room.

Great film!

Gergely - 9/5/08 at 03:51 PM

Godfather trilogy

ecosse - 9/5/08 at 05:42 PM

Good thread

Dumb & Dumber
39 steps (original)



carpmart - 9/5/08 at 06:38 PM

I am sorry but, good as all the other choices have been, you are all wrong!

The best film of all time is the original 12 Angry Men

Triton - 9/5/08 at 10:01 PM

Originally posted by Guinness
Italian Job.

No questions asked.


Ditto on that as....


chris_smith - 9/5/08 at 10:22 PM

well i did start this thread cos i was bored at work and am thouroughly impressed with everyones films (some i had forgotten about) but hey what a good thread

Peteff - 9/5/08 at 10:22 PM

Big trouble in Little China, or Get Carter on a serious day.

bob - 10/5/08 at 07:55 AM

How to murder your wife
Jack lemon terry thomas, never get tired of watching,in fact jack lemon folms are pretty good (odd couple, some like it hot)

Original vanishing point
life of brian
shawshank redemption

too many to list especially the old B&W classics.

[Edited on 10/5/08 by bob]

andrew.carwithen - 10/5/08 at 08:33 AM

Shawshank Redemption,
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly,
Monty Python and the Holy Grail,
Jungle Burger

eccsmk - 10/5/08 at 12:29 PM

italian job
lucky number slevin
just some films i enjoy but i couldn't tell you my fav as i dont actually know what it is

marcyboy - 10/5/08 at 02:32 PM

I recently saw The Departed, a good movie and some very unexpected twists.

some of my faves are shawshank redemption, goodfellas,long good friday,
happy gilmore, water boy, the longest yard(original & remake), ipcress file, funeral in berlin...I think i'm gonna stop head hurts

Jasper - 10/5/08 at 03:58 PM

The Big Lebowski
Apocolypse Now
Life of Brian
Repo Man
Blade Runner
Evil Dead II: Dead by Dawn
Withnail and I
Ghost in the Shell 2 - Innocence

Simon - 10/5/08 at 09:05 PM

Most of the above, plus

American Graffiti (if only for the soundtrack
Deja Vue
Aeon Flux
The Island
5th Element
Resident Evil

I know some of these are actually not great, but I liked them

Want to see the orig Gone in 60 secs as I've only seen the last 10 mins or so.

