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Problems rebuilding DCOEs / finding parts
chrisst170 - 27/11/05 at 01:03 PM

Hi everyone,

I've just bought a pair of weber twin 40s off ebay (for the 2L pinto in my Tiger super six) and it looks like I need to buy some parts, where is the best place to get spares from in the UK?
One of the pair is in good condition and has recently been overhauled, the other one is in less good condition... In fact its has a few problems:

The choke spindle was ceased, it freed up with a bit of WD40 but it is still a bit "notchie" when you take the spring off it. There isn't much play in it and it closes fine under the spring load but could the notchieness still be a problem? I'd ideally like to take the spindle out to clean it up/ inspect but it looks to be a pain getting the thing out, any suggestions?

Secondly one of the starter valves has disintegrated and what is left of it is jammed in place. Do I really need this or can I get by without the cold start circuit?

Thirdly one of the chokes is stuck in position and I need to change it, any hints and tips for persuading it to move? I've soaked it in WD40 overnight and had it in the oven at a lowish temp but can't really get anything in there to push down on it while the spindle is still in place.

Finally part of the linkage is missing, the side with the synchronising screw on is present, the but side with the ball connector on is missing, any suggestions on where I can source one of these?

The bloke who I bought the carbs off on ebay claims he was unaware of the problems. I asked him to source / finance the parts required, he has asked how much they will cost to repair. So any idea how much the above parts will cost and where I can get them from?

Thanks very much


ch1ll1 - 27/11/05 at 01:05 PM

is who i have used in the past
also these people are good
hope it helps

[Edited on 27/11/05 by ch1ll1]

Glan Noye - 27/11/05 at 01:15 PM

Have a look here

02GF74 - 27/11/05 at 01:41 PM

you need to weigh up how much it has cost you and how much it will cost you. I would suspect in the long run it would be cheaper to ask for a refund.

Replacing the parts may solve the problems or you may knacker the carbs trying to fix them. Having someone else overhaul them willl cost much more due to labour charges - find out what those are.

It may turn out they cannot be fixed.

Sorry - I don't know much about webers (yet) but I don't think these are that rare.

ch1ll1 - 27/11/05 at 02:29 PM

i had a problem with the spindels on my twin 40's
and like the last post says it far cheaper to buy some new or recon carbs
but good luck,
i would as for my money back
i have posted a pic (blown up view in my pics if it helps

[Edited on 27/11/05 by ch1ll1]

gazza285 - 27/11/05 at 04:16 PM

Have always used Gower and Lee for my Weber needs, never had any problems with them.

chrisst170 - 27/11/05 at 04:27 PM

Thanks for all your replies. I’m going to ask for quotes from fastroadcars and gowerlee for the spares. I've managed to get the chokes out so all that is left in the body is the spindle and the remains of that one starter valve. Plus I've found someone with a set of spare 40 bodies for sale with good spindles if I can't repair the damaged one.

What do you guys think should be the rough set up for twin 40s on a 2.0 pinto?

Dave Andrews suggests:

34mm Chokes
135 main jets
F11 emulsions
190 air correctors
35 pump jets
45/f9 idle jets
4.5 aux vents

on his website ( Does that sound about right to you or should I go for 36mm chokes (I’m thinking about putting a fast road cam in at some point)



andyharding - 27/11/05 at 05:37 PM

The Carb Hospital have loads of Weber spares, I think the biggest in the country.