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Edit post
nilocp - 19/10/16 at 12:49 PM

How do I edit my for sale post, so I can list what is sold?


loggyboy - 19/10/16 at 01:10 PM

Post lock after a time.
just add a sold post at the end.
Or speak to admin, but dont expect a swift repsonce!

nilocp - 19/10/16 at 01:15 PM

Thanks for that. Yes I noticed the edit button had disapeared.

I wonder what the logic is for that???

SteveWalker - 19/10/16 at 02:20 PM

To stop someone changing a post weeks later and making all the following ones seem nonsense without those follow-up posters knowing.

nilocp - 19/10/16 at 02:24 PM

Ah yes that makes sense!

liam.mccaffrey - 19/10/16 at 03:03 PM

Or indeed to stop someone deleting all their posts and subsequently entire threads in a fit of rage
We used to be able to always edit posts way back. That was until.........the incident!!!!

[Edited on 19/10/16 by liam.mccaffrey]

nilocp - 19/10/16 at 03:06 PM

I cannot imagine anyone building a Locost would have a fit of rage

Huttojb - 20/10/16 at 06:00 PM

I'm intrigued, what incident?

Schrodinger - 20/10/16 at 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Huttojb
I'm intrigued, what incident?

Don't know because the thread was deleted

UncleFista - 20/10/16 at 08:43 PM

A few years ago we had a very prolific poster* who could be a bit, err, arsey at times.
He eventually had a "handbags" moment and spent what must have been hours deleting every post he'd ever made. Making lots of threads stop making sense and any threads he'd started just disappear. Lots of good info lost.

*calvinX if you're interested enough to search.

[Edited on 20/10/16 by UncleFista]