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Cycle wings for 17 inch wheels.
sg_frost - 1/2/14 at 09:01 PM

Anyone know where I can get cycle wings to fit my car. The wheels I'm using are 17 inch and have 215 or 225 tires on depending on what size I fit. 215 may fit under 8.5" wide archer, but don't think 22 will.
Most cycle wings I find are too small in radius to fit over 17 inch alloys.
Can someone point me in the right direction please before I have to make my own.
Thank you.

adithorp - 1/2/14 at 09:20 PM

Have you tried Dax. They always seen to have large wheels on... though why you'd want to ruin the handling I've no idea

twybrow - 1/2/14 at 09:20 PM

Put smaller wheels on! 17" will be so much extra unsprung weight! Problem solved.

sg_frost - 1/2/14 at 09:22 PM

Had considered small wheels, but really like the look of it with them on.
Not overly concerned about unsprung mass, its just for fun this one. Weight saving is not the goal, especially with a 2.8 BMW lump in it

hootsno1 - 1/2/14 at 09:40 PM

I have 17x8 on my zero with gbs flat top cycle wing I had to change the round tube to flat bar to allow the extra 1" and now have a wheel that fills the wing nicely

sg_frost - 1/2/14 at 09:51 PM

Where can I get the GBS wing form then please. From what I can see they sell their parts through kitspares but they dont list them on their site.

sg_frost - 1/2/14 at 10:01 PM

Here is it, took me long enough to find the right wheels for it.
New car, 2.8 BMW
New car, 2.8 BMW

Irony - 1/2/14 at 10:03 PM

I have 17s on my Viento. There dax ones. I think they look much better than other manufacturers wingfs but they cost!

sg_frost - 1/2/14 at 10:07 PM

Can people please tell me where they get them from too rather than just which ones they have. Cant seem to find them on any websites.

Irony - 1/2/14 at 10:16 PM

Erm..... I bought mine from Dax.

theduck - 1/2/14 at 10:17 PM

This is the GBS parts site

Official DAX ebay shop listing

hootsno1 - 1/2/14 at 11:12 PM

Kit spares online shop was hacked a short while ago and is in the process of being rebuilt if you give the no on there site a call and ask for Will he can give you a price

sg_frost - 2/2/14 at 08:47 AM

Brilliant, now ?I'm getting somewhere. No idea why I couldn't find them Dax ones on eBay, I have searched it many times and not come across them. As for kit spares I will give them a ring in the morning. Thanks guys..