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mega mcsquirty mcjobby wiring!!!
Krismc - 20/5/06 at 05:51 PM

still confused with the name never mind the wiring!

can any one tell me what soft ware i need and what all the wires do on the loom??

RichardK - 20/5/06 at 05:58 PM

Try this link



tom_loughlin - 21/5/06 at 07:51 PM

Ive just got mine going for the first time, with the bare essentials just to get the thing firing. are the wires labelled up on your ms loom?
i might ba able to help, but electrics isnt really my strong point.
im moving on to fuelling now


Krismc - 23/5/06 at 04:02 PM

....yes they are labled, but i dont know what is what and how on earth im going to tune and set it up!