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haynes site having issues?
Talon Motorsport - 24/7/15 at 06:19 AM

I've not been able to get in there for the past 2-3 days and now I am in I can't post any thing and my message inbox is full and I can't open that either,some thing about a data base error?

If your trying to contact me I'm on the other end of please put some thing 'haynes' related in your subject heading or the spam monster will eat it.

Cheers Phil@Talon.

Ben_Copeland - 24/7/15 at 06:28 AM

Can log in, but the inbox comes up with a Database error

Neilwilson - 24/7/15 at 07:32 AM

I haven't had any issues.

Talon Motorsport - 24/7/15 at 07:41 AM

Originally posted by Neilwilson
I haven't had any issues.

Can you post on the Haynes site?

Neilwilson - 24/7/15 at 07:53 AM

Yeah I have been posting and sending u2u's. There are a few others who can, however there is some reports of u2u being funny.

Neilwilson - 24/7/15 at 08:21 AM

Scratch that..... I have a database error! Had to open my gob didn't I!

garyt - 24/7/15 at 06:07 PM

just tried to get on getting the same database error

James - 24/7/15 at 09:00 PM

What happened to Chris Gibbs?

I know he was departed from here but does he still frequent the Haynes forum (when it's working!)?


[Edited on 24/7/15 by James]

Vmax1974 - 25/7/15 at 05:49 AM

I am having same problems

chris gibbs has not been active on haynes for years

Vmax1974 - 27/7/15 at 08:13 AM

Its up and down like a yoyo