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Author: Subject: Short term cover

posted on 16/3/09 at 03:40 AM Reply With Quote
Short term cover

I have to use SWMBO's car sometimes (sunday's I'm working) cos she doesn't want to transport 3 kids in a 106 down a dark motorway to my parent's. Lovely insurance people upped the quote by about £600 to have me on so I've been going with a day policy on the odd occasion I need to.

Tried a new one today and as I was looking through the terms I noticed that the excess is pointed out in section E1. Problem is that was section E1. I emailed them to ask but they're not in til 8am tomorrow (too late I'll be home by then) so I told them it was £50

Can that stand? I mean surely by the time they tell me otherwise I can say "tough it's £50 if you don't like it get lost you should have said earlier"

I mean what are they going to do revoke it?

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