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First Tri :D
Simon - 23/5/14 at 05:38 PM

Got my first triathlon coming up on Sunday. Don't know whether to be worried or not, but will be enjoying it. Do quite a lot of cycling, and have always been a reasonably strong swimmer but not a runner.

Sprint tri so 400m swim, 16.5 miles on the bike and 3.5 mile run. Aiming for 6m30 in the pool, 47 mins for the bike and 40 - 45 mins for the walky/run.

Much as I'd like to run all the run, I've had real issues with shins when training so have rested the running for about 4 weeks apart from one effort. Did manage to run the distance at end of March though which considering that even when I was fit (swimming and playing rugby for school) I never ran anywhere near 3.5 miles. When we get the running track sorted locally (the contractor just went bust!!!), I'll prob join athletics club so I won't always need to run on the road - might help.

If I can do those times, it should see me in the middle of the field, going by last years results, which I'll be more than happy with



CosKev3 - 23/5/14 at 06:20 PM

Good luck

'clanger' on here does Tri's IIRC.

My next door neighbour is doing the Tenby Iron Man in September,and a bloke I work with,in his late 40's, is doing a real stupid one in Snowdonia,a double Iron Man!!!

nick205 - 23/5/14 at 07:26 PM

Sounds like you suffer from shin splints, which is a pretty common running affliction. Spending some time in a good running shop getting assessed for gait and pronation then selecting the right sort of running shoe can really help with this.

The next step is to see a podiatrist and be further assessed. If necessary they can make orthotic inserts moulded from your feet. These really can make a massive difference to reducing pain and correcting gait and pronation irregularities. They cost a bit to have made, but in my experience are well worth the time and money spent.

I used to run a lot and always suffered shin splints, 5-6m was about my limit. Custom orthotics and the right running shoes got me to haf marathon distance pain free and dropped my times as well. Knee issues finally stopped me running a few years ago despite surgery. Thankfully cycling and swimming are still pain free and I enjoy both.

Davey D - 24/5/14 at 09:15 AM

I am normally a big cyclist and can go for big distance no worries, but last year i did Tough Mudders, which was 12miles of running/jogging/walking with obstacles.

About 3 miles in my knees started giving me agro. If i walked i was fine, but as soon as i upped the pace it was like someone stabbing a knife into my knee by the end i was even struggling to walk down hills from the excrutiating pain

Not only was i suffereing with that i also suffer with housemaids knee, and from the commando crawling through tunnels i was in double pain from that.

I didnt give up though, and made it to the finish. but after resting at the end for 1/2 hour it was painfull to move around, and my knee caps were swollen.

It was so mentally frustrating, as i had so much energy i wanted to put into it, but as soon as i tried i was in crippling pain and had to just walk

clanger - 24/5/14 at 09:21 AM

best of luck............

relax and enjoy it..!!! if you can call it enjoyment

As per Nick's advice get yourself some running shoe advice. Its the most demanding part of the sport, and it will find any weakness you have, and do you some serious damage if ignored. Hope you've done a few "brick" sessions (run off the bike)??

Good idea joining a club, as there will always be someone willing to offer support and friendly advice.

Word of warning though, you might get addicted to the pain during the race.

I was like you 4 years ago, first tri, nervous, middle of the pack finisher. Now I'm up at the crack of dawn on Saturday mornings to get a 100mile training ride in before a swim in the afternoon LOL.

Doing a couple of Ironman races this year, plus a few local Olympic tri's. That doesn't leave a lot of time for car building, so that's on hold for a couple of years till I get too old for this weird "sport"

let us know how you get on?

Simon - 24/5/14 at 05:39 PM

Cheers for the comments chaps

Nick, yep that's what I suspect. If I leave the running for a couple of weeks I'm ok, but very frustrating not being able to train. Will see how I get on and may seek pro help from the (running) shop I got my shoes from as they have a running machine/video gait analysis. I suspect weight to be part of the problem (17st and 47 years old and no running for 30 years or any real walking for 10!).

Davey, looked at the Tough Mudders but think I need to get my running/walking muscles a lot stronger than they are. Deffo something for the future.

Clanger yes did one (oops) brick a few weeks back and apart form painful shins from not recovering from previous run all went well. Haven't run for 3 weeks now so it's gonna be slow through either lack of fitness or shin pain. I have run the distance (3.5 miles) which considering when I started in January my first run turned into a walk after 200 yards

Unfortunately I found a local company that organises half a dozen or so local sprint tri's and I'm quite keen to give it a go. Also, the people that have organised tomorrow's charity tri being a group from the Chequers Inn have a group called the Otters who are an open water swimming club so I want to give that a go, they have a cycling club which I may have to join but I'll probably join the local AC as they are having a proper running track built.

Update tomorrow if I'm able to move



DavidW - 24/5/14 at 08:33 PM

Good luck!

I have my first tri on 7th June and am feeling pretty nervous already.


nick205 - 25/5/14 at 05:58 PM

How did you get on Simon?

Don't know where you are in the country, but the weather down south was spot in today for this type of activity.

Simon - 25/5/14 at 09:00 PM


Really good time was had by all, and yep weather was perfect (I'm just outside Tunbridge Wells)

Based on what I thought I knew of the distances I was hoping for around 1h 40. Unfortunately(?) the bike ride turned out to be nearly 2 miles longer so added around 6 1/2 mins making overall time around 1h 49; ie fairly close to estimate.

Definitely got the bug for it, but really do need to a) lose weight and, b) sort the running out - but so far shins are ok .

Waiting for times to be published with splits as I'd like to see how I faired separately in all three disciplines

Will be doing a few more this year, especially the Bewl Tri in August which has an open water swim in the reservoir!

All in all, quite a good way to spend a Sunday morning



clanger - 26/5/14 at 06:38 AM

Well done!!!
Sounds like you "enjoyed" it

Now all you need to do, is to sort you're weight out, get some running shoes, then..............start shaving your legs, aero helmet, 5 bikes, various lycra outfits, a rubber suit, GPS sports watch, massive tab at your local supermarket for increased calorie intake, various tapes plasters and anti chaffing creams, stock of energy bars, gels & drinks, and adopt a paradoxically unhealthy obsession with exercise.

Ironman here we come

DavidW - 26/5/14 at 08:28 AM

Well done!

Are you booked in to do it again?

mcerd1 - 26/5/14 at 11:14 AM

Originally posted by Davey D
About 3 miles in my knees started giving me agro. If i walked i was fine, but as soon as i upped the pace it was like someone stabbing a knife into my knee by the end i was even struggling to walk down hills from the excrutiating pain

I didnt give up though, and made it to the finish. but after resting at the end for 1/2 hour it was painfull to move around, and my knee caps were swollen.

I've had that from just walking over some big hills - its not much fun

my knees have never been good - so I've never been able to run any distance since I was about 13, but this little walk was enough to kill my knee in one day: ring of steall) - only ~16k with 1748m of up

I was getting the stabbing paint by the second summit, but had just strap it up pop some brufen and keep going over the next two just to get off the hill (going down is always worse on knees) - couldn't move my knee by the end and it was still swollen 4 weeks later when I went to see a sports physio and she managed to get rid of 50% of the swelling in an hour (the rest went down in about week after that)

so a good physio is well worth the money

turns out my problem is caused by the shape of the bones in my legs - so all I can do is exercises to minimise it
(the shape of my legs, means one of the little muscles isn't really being used so isn't strong enough to hold my knee cap correctly, so my knee cap has rotated by 45° and moves around at that irritating the joint and making it swell until it too painful to walk on due to the fluid build up)
I'm going to have to go back soon for another round with the physio, I broke my ankle last year and that's made it even more complex.....

[Edited on 26/5/2014 by mcerd1]

Simon - 26/5/14 at 01:31 PM

Cheers Gents

Yeah, definitely doing that again, also have a few local ones but the one I'm really keen on doing is the Bewl Tri on 2/8. 750m open water (reservoir) swim, 20k bike and 5k run

Still no shin pain, quite bizarre. Running starts again Tuesday



nick205 - 26/5/14 at 05:58 PM

Sounds like you have got the bug and had a good time

Slow and steady building the running up over time and the weight will come off with it.

If you have a smart phone, then you might like the STRAVA app as a training monitor. Great way to track your regular routes and times and you can share and connect with others in a social media stylee too.

Blackbird Rush - 26/5/14 at 06:13 PM

Well done, did my first tri of the year last weekend at Dorney rowing lakes 1:28:04 a PB for me with the super sprint (400M/21K/5K), did 2 last year , same at Dorney and a half olympic at the Finals in Hyde Park and one the year before.

Stepping up to an olympic in August in London Docklands

Ironman is way off though!

Got the bug too but only have time to do 1 or 2 a year as finding time to do the training is hard for me.


Simon - 26/5/14 at 07:44 PM


Yep, most of my cycling buds use strava but I've been using for about 3 years and like all the stuff it does. Same sort of thing as Strava but can't compare user input sections as far as I know etc.

Going to try a different approach with the running. Beforehand just happy to do the run so pace very slow, so will up the pace but shorter distances, then increase the distance but only by a couple of hundred yards at a time.


I think I'll do a few sprints before I go up in distance - saying that, yesterday's bike was 18 miles, the next one I've booked is longer swim, shorter bike same run so should be interesting to compare.

Might be going to Hyde Park next weekend to watch how the likes of the Brownlee's make it look so easy

Cheers all
