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RedAvon - 13/11/13 at 12:07 PM


loggyboy - 13/11/13 at 12:23 PM

I dont quite understand why your would go to all that trouble and make it too small for the car your putting it on. How hard would it be to get so it fits on properly. I mean it looks silly, but atleast make it look like you thought about it first.

r1_pete - 13/11/13 at 01:02 PM

The idiot, it looks like a childs car douvet cover slung over a few boxes.

jps - 13/11/13 at 03:05 PM

I'm guessing it's deliberately sh1t for comedy value? If i saw it in the street I think I'd laugh. More than I did at the VW Scirocco round our way which is mocked up like the Delorean from 'Back 2 The Future'...

PSpirine - 13/11/13 at 06:33 PM

Originally posted by jps
I'm guessing it's deliberately sh1t for comedy value? If i saw it in the street I think I'd laugh. More than I did at the VW Scirocco round our way which is mocked up like the Delorean from 'Back 2 The Future'...

This one? looks pretty cool 338747633f