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Mogmand - 24/3/23 at 03:13 PM

1 pair Faulkner 9" x 300 x 2.25" id coil springs, fitted but never used. 1 pair Faulkner 9" x 200 x 2.25" id coil springs, new. 2 nicely machined ali. top spring mounts, top mounting recess about 42mm dia. depth about 22mm, for 2.25" coils. 2 short bump stops 33mm high. 1 pair std. shocker rubber protection boots, about 200mm long free, 50 top to 46mm bottom id. Plus box of assorted Metalastic, 'polybush' and rubber shocker bushes. Only £20 the lot to clear. Photos available

Sanzomat - 26/3/23 at 03:24 PM

U2U sent - interested!

Mogmand - 27/3/23 at 08:48 PM

Coil springs and bushes now SOLD.