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all weather locost
matt12 - 20/10/05 at 10:52 AM

driving along in the rain on my trusty gsxr last night got me thinking.

most of the locosts i've seen on pictures are fair weather cars.

has anyone adapted their locost so they can use it in all weathers, (i dont just mean a little rain hood incase you get caught in a shower )

does anyone use it as their primary vehicle, it seems a bit more practical than a motorcycle and plenty of people, use that as their only vehicle, me included

carnut - 20/10/05 at 11:07 AM

I keep a jacket and some water proof trousers behind my seat.

mookaloid - 20/10/05 at 11:30 AM

Mines all weather:

When i'ts warm and sunny I stay dry

When it's raining I get wet Like coming home from the Newark show this year. everyone passing me in their tin tops and laughing at me cos I couldn't even see where I was going there was so much rain.

matt12 - 20/10/05 at 11:38 AM

i dont mind getting wet as they say i'm not made of sugar i wont melt

i was wondering whether you could make it motorcycel style with everything in the cockpit being water proof and some sort of drain in the floor. so it can be rained on all it like and it'll be fine, i think smart car made a model like this with no roof and fully waterproof interior and drains so you couls drive around in the rain to your hearts content

derf - 20/10/05 at 12:28 PM

I drilled a small hole in the floor of my locost. However, having ridden my bike in rain so cold that my arms grow a layer of ice on them I despise riding in any type of adverse weather. One piece of wishful thinking thaty I've had since I sawe it was the dutch seven that the body is a complete fiberglass build up. The guy built a complete cockpit with roof, doors, trunk, and all water proof. It is yellow and was from the netherlands too.

Hellfire - 20/10/05 at 01:41 PM

Not nice at the time admittedly, but it always makes for a humble story to tell your children/grandchildren on a warm cosy winter night...

"I remember the time when...." you know the stuff!

I recall my winter biking days when working nights, temperature just above freezing and lashing down with rain. Got me leather's on and proceeded to go to work. Strange sensation between my legs... when arriving at work I discovered I'd left me front pockets open. All the water had rained down me jacket into my trouser pockets and soaked me coddlings!!! Hated it at the time but recall it with a smile!

[Edited on 20-10-05 by Hellfire]

emsfactory - 20/10/05 at 06:13 PM

I heard ofone guy who made a hard top for a seven with doors and locks. I think fisher had something to do with it but I have never seen pics.

Humbug - 20/10/05 at 07:05 PM

Originally posted by emsfactory
I heard ofone guy who made a hard top for a seven with doors and locks. I think fisher had something to do with it but I have never seen pics.

I was at Fisher sometime in the last year and saw it (or a similar one) that Mark Fisher had in - it was made by the customer and he was apparently talking about taking moulds from it.

Slightly off topic, here is an example of Fisher's own hardtop for the Fury Rescued attachment 2003-06-07 Fisher Sportscars open day 08.jpg
Rescued attachment 2003-06-07 Fisher Sportscars open day 08.jpg

Jasper - 22/10/05 at 01:59 PM

It's one reason I'm building a Stylus this time, not a Se7en , I wanted more weather protection. Even without a roof you keep much drier as you sit low in the car, have a full wrap around windscreen, and perspex side screens. I've been in one in light rain, and never felt a thing. It also means you get the full effect from the heater too. I wanted to use my car more regularly than the Se7en without freezing my arse off all the time.