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OT. Need to loose weight
dan8400 - 1/4/11 at 05:15 AM

Completely OT!! Any tips apart from exercise etc? I like to eat but I'm NOT a massive fan of chocolate/sweet stuff. Take it or leave it. Hate the feeling of being of hungry though. What can I eat alot of and still get the fat off? I've started running and got the mountain bike out too.

Just looking for tips as I realise it's not a quick fix but I've got to start somewhere


[Edited on 1/4/11 by dan8400]

carlknight1982 - 1/4/11 at 05:28 AM

Join the gym mate, and speak to a fitness instructor, not some 21yr old idiot a proper instructor, i did three months ago ive lost a stone and not been hungry at all, ive got increased strength and flexability when i didnt even realise i was lacking it.

mine costs me £35 a month and has a sauna an swimming pool too, best thing is its open late so i tend to go after work and usually have the place to myself, no waiting for machines etc

some even have a physio too...

well worth the money.

Ninehigh - 1/4/11 at 05:58 AM

I'm in the same boat, but with few odd problems.

1. My job is that boring that lunch is an event.
2. In order to give me something to do in the meantime there's snacks.
3. I do have other things to do, but waiting for people to reply to forum posts isn't exactly engaging.

This is to the extent that a few weeks ago I lost a stone on a week off without trying, and put it back on within the fortnight while being careful of what I eat.

Oh and I barely have time to sleep never mind get to a gym...

dave r - 1/4/11 at 06:11 AM

tape worm

dan8400 - 1/4/11 at 06:14 AM

Thanks Dave. I'll have a root round the shed for my box labelled "Tape Worms"


SeaBass - 1/4/11 at 06:41 AM

Stop drinking alchohol.

contaminated - 1/4/11 at 06:51 AM

My tips would be:

1. If you are hungry, drink some water. Often when you feel hungry you are actually thirsty;
2. Eat little and often;
3. After you've eaten and still feel hungry don't panic. It takes 10 mins for your brain to catch up;
4. Try to exercise with somewhere around 80% of your max heart rate. After 20 mins or so you start burning fat - so try for at least 30 mins if you can;
5. Leave at least an hour between exercise and going to bed;
6. You can make a curry that has virtually no calories! Make the source from blending up onions, celery, spices and tomato puree (or chopped) and chuck a load of veg in it.

Good luck mate. I should point out that I remain a fat ba$tard, but I have been there!

David Jenkins - 1/4/11 at 07:14 AM

Originally posted by SeaBass
Stop drinking alcohol.

Works for me - I'm not a heavy drinker by any means, but if I stop drinking alcohol my weight drops steadily.

vinny1275 - 1/4/11 at 07:16 AM

Try and do some exercise first thing in the morning - before breakfast - I run a mile or so with the dog at 6 in the morning most days... it sets your metabolism up for the rest of the day - I've lost 10KG since November, and knocked 10 minutes off my 5K time. I've noticed that if there are weeks where I don't run in the mornings much, but I still do the same amount of evening runs as before, I don't seem to lose any / as much weight.

I've also almost completely knocked beer on the head, and I just eat less than I did before - I haven't really changed what I eat - I still do my scrambled eggs with butter, and fry my bacon, but I've cut down the portion sizes.



hughpinder - 1/4/11 at 07:26 AM

I cut out the milk and sugar in my machine coffee (8 a day is quite a few calories!) I also emptied my pocket of change every night so I couldn't use the snack machine at work even if I wanted too. Took about 3 weeks to get used to no chocolate bar in the morning/crisps in the afternoon and the black cofee, but it has stopped the weight increase that was running at about 5lbs/year.


marcjagman - 1/4/11 at 07:39 AM

This sounds really daft but it works, buy smaller plates, it fools your brain into thinking there is more on your plate because it looks full but there is actually less. Eat chicken, beef etc something high in protien but not the skin from chicken. The body takes a lot longer to process protien so you feel fuller for longer. Drink lots of water.

dan8400 - 1/4/11 at 07:44 AM

Some great advice as usual. Thanks everyone. Seems that I don't need to change much. Smaller portions (i do eat big portions by my own admission) and exercise which I've started. Need to do more but I'm building up to it


Mr Whippy - 1/4/11 at 07:53 AM

Originally posted by marcjagman
This sounds really daft but it works, buy smaller plates, it fools your brain into thinking there is more on your plate because it looks full but there is actually less.

not daft at all and workes very well. Also if you like veg then buy the ones you really like and have a lot of them on your plate.

I have pineapple during the day instead of sweets as I like the sweet taste of them and they are much better on you teeth.

Also try Quorn it comes in many different versions which is high in protein and very low in fat, the mince and chicken are my faves we have served the mince to folk without telling them and they never noticed the difference, even my mum uses it and my dad still is none the wiser.

It's lots of small changes rather than one big one like going to the gym, it takes far more work to burn off food than just replacing it with something healthy

Steve Hignett - 1/4/11 at 08:15 AM

Originally posted by dan8400
Some great advice as usual. Thanks everyone. Seems that I don't need to change much. Smaller portions (i do eat big portions by my own admission) and exercise which I've started. Need to do more but I'm building up to it


This is me too...

What I've tended to do just recently is have the food's that are better for you, but make them as nice as can be...

I bought a Rice Cooker, I know it's not difficult to cook rice, but this makes it a piece of pee!
I do two massive trays of roast veg, (potato, sweet potato, carrots, red pepper, yellow pepper, squash, and loads of stuff I can't remember now) and and pour a small amount of flavoured extra virgin olive oil.

Nicest meal ever, and if it gets boring, then just add some teriyaki chicken, or beef etc...

I could eat that every night myself though!

I've stopped drinking (well, not drunk for a few weeks, which is a BIG deal for me...) and will try and keep that up for as long as poss...

For myself, my biggest problem is that my severe back problems prevent me from exercising, I can't even swim without being in a lot of pain afterwards... I also think that Gym's are drastically overpriced!

Tiger Super Six - 1/4/11 at 08:33 AM

I wanted to get fit last year and joined the gym, I run for 25 minutes, then weights, then run for 25 minutes and then weights. When I first started I litterally couldn't run for 1 minute and it took me probably 3 months to get remotely fit.

I have now lost just over 2 stone and don't particularly watch what I eat, just eat as I did before and when I want. You do think a little about what you eat if it is really high calorie food as you realise the effort to shift it.

I went as my blood pressure was a bit high and the Mrs mum died at 58 due to cancer as she wasn't active and had a bad lifestyle. That motivated me to shift my a*se!

jossey - 1/4/11 at 08:35 AM

just go for a walk after dinner or lunch.


help start to burn stuff off....


scootz - 1/4/11 at 08:44 AM

I started a diet yesterday after reaching a new-high of 18st I need to get rid of 5 of those. It'll just have to be calorie-consumption-counting though as I'm in the same boat as Steve - I can't do any high-intensity exercises due to back problems.

This will be the fourth time that I've allowed my weight to balloon by gorging myself through boredom, but I swear it will be the last!

That said, my weight loss 'technique' is probably just as ad for me as putting it on in the first place as I tend to starve myself... not unknown for me to lose 5 stone in as many months.

Mr Whippy - 1/4/11 at 09:17 AM

Try building wooden model planes or something like it if you’re bored from not being able to work on the cars, ok zero exercise but will keep your mind very occupied. There are many other hobbies out there other than cars (not knocking car building mind), I have several others that take up a large part of my spare time and it stops me getting cheesed of with the cars.

Another thing that helps me keep active is to use a freeview hard disk recorder to tape the programs I really want to watch rather than just sitting down for ages waiting for something decent to come on. That way I tend to watch these programs when I'm having my tea etc and once I have watched say family guy I've had my fill and just switch it off and as they said go and do something less boring instead...

[Edited on 1/4/11 by Mr Whippy]

nick205 - 1/4/11 at 10:06 AM

Lunch (and that's tap water in the bottle)...


[Edited on 1/4/11 by nick205]

ditchlewis - 1/4/11 at 10:14 AM

My wife and I go to slimming world and in the last 2 years I have lost 4 stone.

It is basically an eating plan and you do not need to exercise, just follow some basic rules when eating. Some foods you can eat as much as you want, others you have to weigh out.

There is normally a support group of meeting after which is usefull and amusing (old girls and their senior momemts).

I don't think that I would go back to eating the way I used to and I now look at the food in macdonalds and pizza hut and feel ill. Nothing is forbidden but some is Sinned and it makes you chose what your priorities are.


David Jenkins - 1/4/11 at 11:22 AM

For most people it's a simple equation, when you get right down to it...

To lose weight, you must burn off more energy than you shove into your mouth.

This means either do more exercise, eat less, or both.

Not that I'm a good example - I could lose 3 stone and would feel a lot better for it.

ditchlewis - 1/4/11 at 11:33 AM

There are many foods such as high fibre foods that take energy to digest. There are many foods with high levels of sugar that require no enegy to digest.

David is right you have to change the energy in to the energy out equation if you want to lose weight. An easy one is to stop drinking alcohol and eating pizzas and fried food.


Ivan - 1/4/11 at 02:11 PM

Found that I had developed Type 2 diabetes about 6 years ago - went to a dietician and she taught my wife and I about low GI and low GL foods.

Went on the above eating regime (not a diet - just right selection of foods) Never felt hungry and immediately started losing weight - lost 20 kg in six months and effectively cured my diabetes. Have regained 6 kilos over the 6 years since then but still enjoy the eating style and seldom feel hungry.

Wife still weighs the 55 kilos she weighed when we married 37 years ago and still fits in her wedding dress. Guess there are not many who can boast of that.

MikeR - 1/4/11 at 02:48 PM

Plan your meals. Every meal. Then when you go shopping (or better still buy online) you only buy what you need for those meals. Don't include things you don't need. If its not in the house, you can't eat it. Do you need to take cash to work? If you haven't got cash and have your lunch with you, you can only eat that.

(reality, if you forget your lunch, someone will probably lend you cash).

I need to lose between 6 - 8 kg and will start when i start working

fesycresy - 1/4/11 at 03:34 PM

OK before I start I'm big boned, so this is going to be hypocritical advice

If you want to get fit, do something you enjoy! My kids are mega fit, daughter does mixed martial arts and my son does kick boxing and Taekwondo.

She is a member of a serious MMA club with quite a few pro fighters, but they are amazingly fit, they have to be just to survive the lesson!

Are your runs and mountain biking intense enough?

zilspeed - 1/4/11 at 05:58 PM

I was 19 Stone.
I am now 13 and a half stone.

Here's what I did.
Very very simple.

Light breakfast.
Light lunch
Light dinner.

NOTHING after 6pm.
Repeat NOTHING after 6pm.

When you falter in between meals, have a drink of something.
NO biscuits.
NO chocolate.

The three meals I ate were whatever I wanted, nothing was forbidden.
I started in July and by Late November I was actually down to 12 and a half stone.

I've now put a stone back on.
Not because I couldn't keep it off.
Because people told me I looked unwell at the lighter weight.

If I can do it.
I was obese from 9 years old to 42.
I'm now oficially a healthy weight with healthy blood pressure and a resting heart rate of 60bpm.

Ninehigh - 1/4/11 at 06:03 PM

Actually that's reminded me of the last thing I did, Paul McKenna did a program (and a book iirc)

I Can Make You Thin, or a title to that effect.

The basic idea is you eat when you're hungry (and only then) and stop when you're not (not when the plate is empty)
Slow down, chew, and turn the TV off...

With this method I lost nearly a stone and a half without trying