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Trailer mods / design / living area
edsco - 14/8/12 at 09:29 AM

Hi all

Wondered if there is anyone on here that (and i am sure there there are a few) that have taken their car transporter trailer and modified it so that it could double up as not only a trailer for transporting purposes but is also covered trailer but double up again as their home for a race weekend?

Has anyone done this before? I'd be interested to talk to someone who has done this and also the design they have used.

Basically my start point is a 14' trailer double axle trailer with a tyre rack mounted on front. What id like to get to is a covered trailer fabricating out of a steel frame and sheeted in aluminium. Build an internal wheel rack that is demountable at the front (internal to trailer) which can be removed to allow access to a workbench at front.

Follow that up with some demountable cross members around waist height that i am to panel out to become a bed for overnights at a race meeting.

Rear door on gas struts that folds up and out and 2 side doors one on either side.

Budget wise i am thinking around £400 for steel and ally materials. Does this sound doable for this kind of budget?

Has anyone got a design i could use?

Was contemplating selling the trailer and buying one which is covered already and making the minor mods inside, but as the trailer does not owe me ought that would seem false economy to me.

Look forward to any help, suggestions, input in any way.


designer - 14/8/12 at 09:47 AM

Years ago, I bought an old walk-through motor home with a years MOT. Removed all the seats in the rear, and made a door of the back panel, giving us space to carry the car and somewhere to sleep.

Think this way is a lot easier than building something.

hughpinder - 14/8/12 at 09:49 AM

Lots of big horse trailers are now like this - a small living at the front with a bench seat full width (battery for living power and cupboards under, but I guess you'd have your wheel rack there) that you sleep on, a 2ft sq loo area at the foot end of the bed, a flat panel tv with a dvd in in screwed to the wall that divides your living and trailer area.. and a mini 1 burner hob onthe wall You use about 3'6" of trailer length. Realistically I don't think you'll do it for £400 though (the structure maybe, but noit the chemical loo/tv obviously).

I'll see if I can find a decent photo

phelpsa - 14/8/12 at 09:51 AM

Steel frame and ali panneling isn't a very good way to do it IMO. Its rattly, not very hard wearing, difficult to seal, traps water, dark, easy to break in to.

I believe Wadders is the man to talk to about covered and fitted out trailers, it's his area of expertise.

I used parts from Service Metals for mine which can be seen in the back of this photo:

hughpinder - 14/8/12 at 10:00 AM

have a llok at the trailers in this link - some have living


dhutch - 14/8/12 at 10:32 AM

Not quite the same, but I have chucked a roll mat and sleeping back in my box trailer the ngiht before a trackday before now, ok in summer....


minitici - 14/8/12 at 11:07 AM

trailer with tilting top
trailer with tilting top

This is one I modified for a fellow competitor.

There is probably 3 times the amount of steel as there is in a Locost and (11) sheets of alloy and I don't want to even count the number of rivets!

Cheaper to go out and buy a recepod trailer in the first place.....
Formula Trailers (Racepod)

[Edited on 14/8/12 by minitici]

snakebelly - 14/8/12 at 04:57 PM

I looked into this in some depth, biggest problem is the weight you add, it is very very easy to suddenly come up with a trailer that looks lovely but isnt legal as soon as you put a pot noodle in it:-)

edsco - 14/8/12 at 05:09 PM

Hear what you saying ref being too heavy before even putting ought in it, but the trailer is plated 3500kg. 580kg car should not cause too much concern plus tools, fuel, weekend supplies and spare wheels etc

It has to be said, I'm not looking to have all creature comforts. Just a space to get out of weather that can accommodate a bed, a bit at lighting etc

Snakebelly, did u ever draw up plans for a trailer of said design???


dhutch - 3/12/12 at 12:15 AM

Originally posted by edsco
It has to be said, I'm not looking to have all creature comforts. Just a space to get out of weather that can accommodate a bed, a bit at lighting etc

Has the project gone anywhere since this?


edsco - 3/12/12 at 09:56 AM

Hi Dan
Well, i have drawn up some plans and costed it all up for steel work and ally, which comes to £650ish. What i havent factored in yet is any kind of insulation or whether i'll ieven bother. I have a space heater and genny that can provide the warmth if i need it.

Whats slowed me down is that ive been trying to get on a welding course or at least just an evening to learn the basics of welding. Until i get round to doing this i dont even want to attempt to try and fabricate something. Plus i need to ask from santa to get me a Mig Welder.....which i am holding out for!

I think i'll give it a go probably late part of Jan.

Unless of course there is someone who live close to Daventry who doesnt mind flexing their Welding prowess for the price of a couple crates of beer and some banter!!
