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Damn Windy last night!
Daddylonglegs - 15/2/14 at 08:16 AM

Well, looks like our local pidgeons and blue tits will be looking for a new home this spring:




and they said the winds wouldn't be as strong as Wednseday!! Yeah, right, got that wrong then, it certainly was around here.

Peteff - 15/2/14 at 08:50 AM

All the rain has softened the ground up so the wind doesn't need to be as strong to pull the trees over. I'll be down with the chainsaw for free wood

BenB - 15/2/14 at 09:28 AM

Someone attached a flux capacitor to that tree. It appears to have been so windy the tree went back to 2009

carpmart - 15/2/14 at 09:29 AM

Worst wind of the winter last night by far. Only just been reconnected to the power after a seven hour outage!

Ian Jones - 15/2/14 at 10:57 AM

I have had some of them big concrete roof half circle things blow off and in bedding them into the garden. a couple of metres to the left and they would of been through the car port and into the aries.. so hopefully it will calm down soon

David Jenkins - 15/2/14 at 04:25 PM

I've just been out the garden staking a 12-foot tall laburnum that's become loose in the ground... don't hold out much hope for it though, unless we get a few weeks of calm, dry weather.

I like that tree, too...

Daddylonglegs - 15/2/14 at 09:25 PM

Well spotted on the date chap! My damn camera resets evertime I fit new batteries, and theu don't last very damn long!!

As for the chainsaw thing, Join the queue , Mine's fuelled up and ready to rock Trouble is, it'll be 12 months before it's useable