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Whatever happened to friendly dicussion?
flak monkey - 28/2/06 at 05:23 PM

I have been a member on here for a fair while (yes I know not as long as many of you!) but it seems just recently that theres been a huge number of arguments over the most petty of things and a lot of unsubstatiated things said about various people/companies etc etc

I have no idea what started it all off, but I went away for the summer, came back and theres been arguments every month since pretty much.

Fair enough theres always been diagreements, or the odd crossed word said, but its always been perhaps justified and very rare.

Just remember when you post that you can't always convey tone of voice or meaning with smilies! And people may take things in a way in which they werent intended. Especially if its a sarcastic or synical comment.

Since a lot of the arguments seem to have come about over manufacturers. Of course everyone has the right to defend a manufacturer, especially if they are building one of their cars and have always had good service, but it helps if only people who have had any dealing with said manufacturer have their input (be it good or bad!), be that manufacturer MK, MNR, Mac1, GTS, Luego etc etc. Basically, if you have no experience of a service and are going only on what others have said, keep your mouth shut. I think theres a few stirrers who want to wind others up...

Cant we all be friends??! Agree to disagree on certain things?


PS None of this is aimed at anyone in particular! Just an in general.

stevebubs - 28/2/06 at 05:25 PM

Agreed - it's reached the point where it's starting to drive people away...

People on here used to laugh at the way blatchat was snobbish and derisive of other marks, but recent "discussions" on here have been just as bad, if not worse....

Friendly banter is one thing, outright twattishness is another - and there's an awful lot of that at the moment.

[Edited on 28/2/06 by stevebubs]

I love speed :-P - 28/2/06 at 05:34 PM

like i said in the other post, this site is going more and more like TOL which is very very sad

Jon Ison - 28/2/06 at 05:35 PM

here here

Humbug - 28/2/06 at 05:44 PM

Originally posted by Jon Ison
here here

where? where?

Seriously, though, I agree that we should be allowed to have different opinions without it resulting in a petty slagging off match.

These things are still thankfully a relatively small percentage of the posts and overall the forum is a good thing - I would have been lost several times without the advice and ideas available.

MikeR - 28/2/06 at 05:46 PM

we've grown & segmented......

its bound to happen.

give it a year or two and we'll have separate lists for separate manufacturers.

I've never been sure i've agreed with the lots of different forums approach on this site. We get so much traffic there doesn't seem any other option but i think that helps develop silo mentalities.

So, its all ChrisW's fault. I blame him for inventing this site and making me waste sooo much of my life on here!

mookaloid - 28/2/06 at 06:04 PM

Well I haven't seen much of what you are describing for a week or two.

However if people keep mentioning it then everyone will start to believe it.

I think that 99.9% of posts are done with good intentions and those squabbles that occasionally happen die away in time.

If everyone just thought a little before posting something controversial and used some tact and diplomacy then we would all get along just fine.

Most people on here are reasonable people and would I think understand this, so how about us all trying to be a bit more positive from now on?



Avoneer - 28/2/06 at 06:04 PM

If you look back at all "those" posts, there appears to be a common denominator.


NS Dev - 28/2/06 at 06:07 PM

Yes there does doesn't there!

Ah well!

I'm all in favour of things exactly the way they are, one big - mainly happy, but slightly disfunctional around the edges - family! It's only reflective of "real life"!!

Most of us on here are only here for the craic of it, lets keep it that way!

Sometimes I can come over as abrupt but only cos that's how I am, it's not personal!

JoelP - 28/2/06 at 06:17 PM

im all for being polite and friendly, even when disagreeing. Sometimes however, you have to make a stand even if that contributes to the argument. Many forums have an ignore button, imagine how good that would be?!

If we all remember to stick to fact, not insults, we should be fine.

and lol at pat and the common denominator

graememk - 28/2/06 at 06:17 PM

most of the arguments are fuelled by the same small minority, picking up on the smallest of error, miss spelling even just the miss use of a smiley, or a sad/angry where a happy should be etc.

Project7 - 28/2/06 at 06:30 PM

Once you result to personal attack - ie calling people ankers, or gimps etc, you've lost the arguement. I cant understand why people do it when trying to argue a perfectly valid point.

I think that thread started lightheartedly and spiraled out of control.

stevec - 28/2/06 at 06:51 PM

I feel sorry for the new chap who walked straight into that lot last night, He probably thinks we are all a load of ankers.
There is no need for anyone to kick off like that.
Peace man

Mr G - 28/2/06 at 06:55 PM

Originally posted by stevec
I feel sorry for the new chap who walked straight into that lot last night, He probably thinks we are all a load of ankers.
There is no need for anyone to kick off like that.
Peace man

What did I miss????

Edit: No worries found it, off for a gander

[Edited on 28/2/06 by Mr G]

britishtrident - 28/2/06 at 07:05 PM

For Pythons everywhere ---

That argument was never 5 minutes !

flak monkey - 28/2/06 at 07:10 PM

Originally posted by britishtrident
For Pythons everywhere ---

That argument was never 5 minutes !

I am afraid it was!

Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of any statement the other person makes.

[Edited on 28/2/06 by flak monkey]

uklee70 - 28/2/06 at 07:32 PM

I must have missed that one

I have been on the wrong end of some internet bad mouthing on another forum regarding my old R1 Mini and it isn't great

The car was featured in quite a few mags and the car played up for a 0-60 test in some mag can't remember which and it posted a really slow 0-60 time the forum really slated the car.

I have posted a few pic's of my new car on here and had lot's support and tech advice.

So I would like to thank the people on here and say this is a great forum

Everyone remember think before you press that post button


minordelay - 28/2/06 at 07:35 PM

I for one love reading the forum and am getting addicted to the sheer variety of topics covered. I never cease to be amazed at the help offered to all and sundry with the simplest or most technical of enquiries. It really would be a sham e to spoil it!!!!

ps I don't use smileys cos I'm stuck in the past

steve_gus - 28/2/06 at 07:51 PM

anyone care to point out where this argument is so i dont have to trawl too far?

Im a bit miffed there was one, and i wasnt in it

bet it was Cita slagging of the americans again



Mr G - 28/2/06 at 08:03 PM

I might be trawling through the wrong thread (as there are so many abusive argument threads )

Fantastic read, can't put it down, available as a paperback from penguin.

[Edited on 28/2/06 by Mr G]

DEAN C. - 28/2/06 at 08:24 PM

I too can remember a couple of years ago being at the end of someones abusive tongue!
You just have to laugh it off although it peed me off at the time.
They are always about petty things as has already been mentioned.

I Think we all need a chill pill now and again,including me.
I think we all need to remember this is an interest and a hobby not serious life and death issues..
Unless you cant weld that is! Or understand thermostats( Doh! i've done it now)Where's my flak jacket?
All the best,Dean...........

[Edited on 28/2/06 by DEAN C.]

steve_gus - 28/2/06 at 08:35 PM

thx for the link.

I wonder if calvinx has ever studied for a degree? If you do, you have to put forward a well reasoned theory developed from research and quoting the work / experiences of others. Not just stating a personal view in an insulting tone.

im kinda wondering why he thinks tampax isnt a good product



ch1ll1 - 28/2/06 at 08:44 PM

i agree.
only been a member for a short while
think the site is great,
every on has there own view but calling names (etc) ,
thought i was back at school,

every kit differs to another so lets all just kiss and make up

tri - 28/2/06 at 09:32 PM

I have just read alot of that link and i for one this its all so sad the way that people are acting, i am still. in school and even the 1st years don't act like some of them so i would say just grow up or leave cause i need help on my car not to read people insulting each other.


jollygreengiant - 28/2/06 at 09:41 PM

Sad, Very Sad.

Nuff said.

greglogan - 1/3/06 at 12:14 AM

Hi Guys. I am scared to ask any more Sunday night stoopid questions for fear of starting another row! I asked the question Build or Buy? in the Chassis section, and I am amazes and even a little disappointed in some of the responses. The nature of this forum (I thought) was a whole neighbourhood helping each other out. I never for once thought that this would happen.

Okay, so yours might be better (bigger??) than mine or whatever, but what does it matter. So you got crap service from a supplier, it doesn't mean they are always bad. Things can go wrong...

Anyway guys, lets all move on and try to accept our differences. Please don't let your differences spoil this great resource to amatuers like me.

Now everybody get together for a big group hug. Where's the love, people?

greglogan - 1/3/06 at 01:00 AM

Hi guys. I deleted the post that caused all the problems. Sorry for all the agro. I know this isn't the done thing to do, but it was getting out of hand.

So heres to all the people who fell out. Was there any need for half of what was said. It is only a Website, its not your wife/girlfriends honour you're trynig to defend. Get some perspective about life. I am pretty peed off by the way the thread went. It was only a simple stoopid Sunday evening question.

Guys, life really is too short for this. Don't destroy a great resource that this website is to amatuer beginners like me.....

[Edited on 1/3/06 by greglogan]

shortie - 1/3/06 at 07:28 AM


Please don't feel you need to stop posting any questions you have no matter how silly you think they might be.

There have been many times when I have needed this forum for all manner of stupid questions I have needed to ask throughout the build and I think I can safetly say that everytime without fail I have recieved very useful and helpful advice.

I decided to build my Indy after visiting all the manufacturers at the shows and talking to them and then narrowing it down and then visiting three of them at their workshops.

There are quite a few companies out there if you decide to buy and they all have their good and bad points to be honest, I think it just ends up who you feel most comfortable with and what sort of prioce range you are looking at.

I have many friends who have bought kits and also many who have built their own chassis and I am very impressed with the time and effort that goes into building your own chassis as it is obviously alot harder than buying one 'off the shelf'.

In truth whether you buy or build then I feel you will get alot of satisfaction out of the end result, it just depends on your circumstances (time, money, etc.) as to which route you choose.

Once the chassis is bought or built then then it's probably fair to say that most people buy all the bits such as bodywork, seats, lights, suspension, etc.

If you do choose to build a car in whatever form then I think there are a few people over in Ireland and if you can get in touch with them this will help you alot as often chatting through something over the phone during the build helps alot, I used to phone MAC1 most days when I was getting to the end of the build as they were always happy to just listen and give advice where neccessary which really helps alot.

Hope that helps,

BKLOCO - 1/3/06 at 07:57 AM

Originally posted by greglogan
Hi guys. I deleted the post that caused all the problems.


Syd Bridge - 1/3/06 at 09:01 AM

I'm saying nothing! And even that will be jumped on by someone who sees it as abusive!

Love to all,

Browser - 1/3/06 at 09:29 AM

Don't sweat it mate, THere will always be keyboard Rambo's who engage knee to jerk fully without engaging brain and hide behind the anonymity of a website to vent their spleen's at anyone they choose
Please keep coming here as the more people we get the more shared experience we'll have

chrisg - 1/3/06 at 09:31 AM

Originally posted by flak monkey
I have been a member on here for a fair while (yes I know not as long as many of you!) but it seems just recently that theres been a huge number of arguments over the most petty of things and a lot of unsubstatiated things said about various people/companies etc etc

I have no idea what started it all off, but I went away for the summer, came back and theres been arguments every month since pretty much.

Fair enough theres always been diagreements, or the odd crossed word said, but its always been perhaps justified and very rare.

Just remember when you post that you can't always convey tone of voice or meaning with smilies! And people may take things in a way in which they werent intended. Especially if its a sarcastic or synical comment.

Since a lot of the arguments seem to have come about over manufacturers. Of course everyone has the right to defend a manufacturer, especially if they are building one of their cars and have always had good service, but it helps if only people who have had any dealing with said manufacturer have their input (be it good or bad!), be that manufacturer MK, MNR, Mac1, GTS, Luego etc etc. Basically, if you have no experience of a service and are going only on what others have said, keep your mouth shut. I think theres a few stirrers who want to wind others up...

Cant we all be friends??! Agree to disagree on certain things?


PS None of this is aimed at anyone in particular! Just an in general.

Shut it!

I didn't see the thread, busy having a life and all that.

Sorry it won't happen again.

But here's my uninformed opinion anyway.

ALL the disagreements on here stem from misunderstandings, due to the internet being rubbish at conveying tone and humour.

Next time you think someones having a pop, ask them.

If they are then fire away.......

VIA U2U!!!!!

Next person starts a row on here's going to get their legs slapped and no chocolate for a week!


the Headmaster.

britishtrident - 1/3/06 at 09:35 AM

Originally posted by flak monkey
Originally posted by britishtrident
For Pythons everywhere ---

That argument was never 5 minutes !

I am afraid it was!

Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of any statement the other person makes.

[Edited on 28/2/06 by flak monkey]

Gainsaying wow ;-)

Gainsaying dosen't really cover it I think new word is required ---- gainslaying --- Quick Buffy grab some silver bullets lets go out and slay a few gains ;-)

[Edited on 1/3/06 by britishtrident]

David Jenkins - 1/3/06 at 11:21 AM

No names, no pack-drill... but now people are flaming because of a mis-placed apostrophe!


Bad spelling and poor punctuation annoys me - but not everyone is word-perfect and, if you can understand the writer's meaning, I am happy to let it go. There have also been a number of dyslexic writers on this forum, and allowances have to be made.

The only ones that really stretch my patience are those who have obviously given no thought to the shape of their sentence, plus the use of text-speak, resulting in a string of characters that totally fail to convey any meaning. Those I ignore - I can't be bothered to rant at them.

If this was a forum on English Grammar then complaints would be justified. But it is a car forum.


P.S. If anyone manages to find any grammatical or spelling errors in what I've just said, I suggest that you write your complaint on a piece of stiff card, roll it up into a cylinder, and stuff it where the sun don't shine... I simply won't care!

iank - 1/3/06 at 11:55 AM

Agree completely about the apostrophy/spelling thing.

English grammar, spelling and idiom can and do change over time. If they didn't we would still be talking and writing in the same way as Shakespeare or before him Chaucer so people who get it wrong could just be before their time

(take a look at the original forms if you want a hard time understanding 'correct' english of the 17th and 14th Centuries)

Shakespeare Link

Chaucer Link

NS Dev - 1/3/06 at 12:22 PM

Originally posted by David Jenkins
No names, no pack-drill... but now people are flaming because of a mis-placed apostrophe!


Bad spelling and poor punctuation annoys me - but not everyone is word-perfect and, if you can understand the writer's meaning, I am happy to let it go. There have also been a number of dyslexic writers on this forum, and allowances have to be made.

The only ones that really stretch my patience are those who have obviously given no thought to the shape of their sentence, plus the use of text-speak, resulting in a string of characters that totally fail to convey any meaning. Those I ignore - I can't be bothered to rant at them.

If this was a forum on English Grammar then complaints would be justified. But it is a car forum.


P.S. If anyone manages to find any grammatical or spelling errors in what I've just said, I suggest that you write your complaint on a piece of stiff card, roll it up into a cylinder, and stuff it where the sun don't shine... I simply won't care!

Er, sure I just spotted a spelling mistake there....................

I was going to reply to "that other" thread on the apostrophe front, along similar lines to your writing above, but just could not be bothered in the end and stuck to the technical bit!



David Jenkins - 1/3/06 at 12:53 PM

Originally posted by NS Dev
Er, sure I just spotted a spelling mistake there....................

Card... cylinder... insert!

NS Dev - 1/3/06 at 01:20 PM

OUUUCHHHH!!!!!!, definitely won't fit!!

James - 1/3/06 at 02:54 PM

Originally posted by flak monkey
I have been a member on here for a fair while (yes I know not as long as many of you!) but it seems just recently that theres been a huge number of arguments over the most petty of things and a lot of unsubstatiated things said about various people/companies etc etc

Gotta agree Flak, lots of daft arguments on here recently.

They do often seem to revolve around who's manufacturer is best a lot too!

I have a lot to thank LB for in both a technical sense (I couldn't have built the car without the help I've received here) and a social sense in that I've made some long-term friends through people I've met here. So it would be a great shame if this fantastic resource was broken apart by petty arguing.

At the end of the day as car builders we're all a minority here and that should unite us. The government and Europe are only going to try to make our building lives harder or maybe even stop our hobby (or career in manufacturers cases!!!) altogether if they can so we should keep a unified front if at all possible.

All the best,


Jon Ison - 1/3/06 at 05:02 PM

These where the days, dunno what everyone was driving but there would have been lots of diversity and not an ill word spoken, I have met some great guys on here, made some good long standing friends who I prob don't see from one year too next but most of all had lots of help and advice from a massive knowledge Base. Cheers lads..........

Remember this, locostbuilders at its best. Rescued attachment dony_-_portable_cinema.jpg
Rescued attachment dony_-_portable_cinema.jpg

Jon Ison - 1/3/06 at 05:06 PM

or this, sorry not learnt how too post 2 pics at once....... Rescued attachment dony_-_boys_on_pitwall.jpg
Rescued attachment dony_-_boys_on_pitwall.jpg

DEAN C. - 1/3/06 at 08:22 PM

Thanks for that Jon,I've been looking for something to keep the kids away from the fireplace.

Seem to remember a few of those faces,strange how things move along and people drift away for various reasons.


bob - 1/3/06 at 08:43 PM

Well done jon ison

Those pics brought back great memories of a fantastic weekend, and as you said not an ill word and only helpfull tips.

And to think we would never have met if it wasnt for this site

Hopefully we can make Stoneleigh another great weekend in may

steve_gus - 1/3/06 at 11:13 PM

if a poster starts picking on their opponents spelling, its a sure fire indicator that they are losing an argument.



Originally posted by David Jenkins
No names, no pack-drill... but now people are flaming because of a mis-placed apostrophe!


Bad spelling and poor punctuation annoys me - but not everyone is word-perfect and, if you can understand the writer's meaning, I am happy to let it go. There have also been a number of dyslexic writers on this forum, and allowances have to be made.

The only ones that really stretch my patience are those who have obviously given no thought to the shape of their sentence, plus the use of text-speak, resulting in a string of characters that totally fail to convey any meaning. Those I ignore - I can't be bothered to rant at them.

If this was a forum on English Grammar then complaints would be justified. But it is a car forum.


P.S. If anyone manages to find any grammatical or spelling errors in what I've just said, I suggest that you write your complaint on a piece of stiff card, roll it up into a cylinder, and stuff it where the sun don't shine... I simply won't care!

Mix - 2/3/06 at 12:37 AM

Where did we go wrong??
This forum used to be a place to discuss building our cars and seek advice / solutions.
Now, it seems to me that people will think twice before posting a question for fear of being ridiculed.
I've benefited from advice on here many times, it was always freely given and at times with a bit of a tongue in cheek humour, (which I enjoy). Not all advice is 100% accurate but I don't imagine that anyone is posting with a deliberate will to deceive, there will always be someone prepared to point out another approach. This, in my opinion makes for a healthy forum from which we can all benefit, let's not strangle the thing by flaming anyone who has an opinion which differs from your own.
My self imposed guideline is to try to limit my posts to subjects that I have first hand experience of.

If I've offended anyone by my grammar, speeling or punkchuation then I'd like to appologise, but I think there are more important issues at stake.


David Jenkins - 2/3/06 at 08:41 AM

I don't think you've offended anyone with your grandma...


BTW: I think Chippy's response to the abuse was more than sufficient...

[Edited on 2/3/06 by David Jenkins]

James - 2/3/06 at 09:02 AM

Nice one there Mr. Ison.

You've left me with great big grin on my face remembering what a great weekend that was!


Jon Ison - 2/3/06 at 01:07 PM

well summer will be upon us before we know it, how about a MK, MNR, GTS, MAC1, Book Chassis whatever you built/drive locostbuilders knees up at a show meeting somewhere ??

Sorry if I missed any manufactures off, was 100% unintentional if I did. I'm sure I did miss someone, sorry.

JoelP - 2/3/06 at 02:58 PM

you missed lego you fashist sorry, that luego isnt it?!

David Jenkins - 2/3/06 at 03:18 PM

I'm going to have 'Lego' stuck in my mind now, whenever I think of that company...


Guinness - 2/3/06 at 09:33 PM

"well summer will be upon us before we know it, how about a MK, MNR, GTS, MAC1, Book Chassis whatever you built/drive locostbuilders knees up at a show meeting somewhere ??"

Mr Ison, I think that's a great idea. I nearly missed it, cause I couldn't be bothered with the rest of the thread, but a knees up, at a show, with beer and half cooked sausages, now your talking.

Can I suggest that someone who's good at organising that sort of thing start a new thread in events, in the spirit of reconciliation, lets get drunk, in a field, all together!


shortie - 2/3/06 at 10:08 PM

Stonleigh, first May bank holiday, beer, BBQ and good company???

What do others reckon??

oh, I forgot, MORE BEER

[Edited on 2/3/06 by shortie]

Triton - 2/3/06 at 10:08 PM

Agreed, this forum started life as a place to get advice etc, I have met some good people via this forum mostly madasafish types but aren't we all....
Back to light hearted giggleness and car building advice would be nice.

Fozzie - 3/3/06 at 10:40 AM

Yup totally agreed.
Me and mine have a wealth of experience here, well over 40 years between us, and our work diary is well and truly full for most of this year, so between us we do have a modicum of knowledge, but for the best part of a year, I have felt that if I had said 'this is the year 2006', someone would be waiting to argue the point as soon as it was posted. So I have stopped posting when advice has been asked which is a shame, because on here, advice and suggestions are more than freely given. We all have different 'ways' but the end result should be the same, building a car, getting it through the SVA and above all, being safe on the roads. Having said that, I would only post a reply when I considered that a 'safety' issue was at stake!
It will be a very long time before I do so again, which is sad, but I don't need the grief!
Alas I won't be at Stoneleigh to have a group hug, as I will be in Barbados, but I nominate Bob, conrod, shortie, ned and James to hug ya for me! Cheers guys!
Right rant over, lets get back to building!
ATB Fozzie

bob - 3/3/06 at 01:06 PM

Stoneleigh......I'm already booked

I'll be there with my tent and supplies around midday saturday to help the locost car club and there 10 year aniversary of the book.

I'm sure everyone can be nice for that weekend