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weight of wheels
steve m - 5/11/12 at 03:08 PM

One of my winter mods is to put some better wheels on my locost, and ditch the very heavy capri units

Ive seen some very pretty caterham steel ones, that would fit my needs perfectly, but dont want to stick anything heavier on the car, than i already have, so would a steel wheel, be lighter than an equivelent sized alui/mag one ?
Yes i know depends, but ....


renrut - 5/11/12 at 03:22 PM

Not for the same strength. But absolute strength isn't everything and there are some cases where the steel ones are lighter. One example is those on the 407 iirc, the steel 16" wheels are lighter than the alloy ones.

I remember the 18" ones on my jag were about 24kg with tyres. For minimal weight you're best off getting the smallest wheel that will fit over the brakes regardless of anything else. I swapped my jag down to 16" wheels, the ride improved (it wasn't exactly bumpy before), tyres were cheaper for same quality and the wheels + tyres were down to about 16kg.