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visiting seattle. things to see?
sdh2903 - 8/8/13 at 01:54 PM

I've been put on a training course in Seattle with work. I'm going to be out there for 7 weeks starting early september.

Having never even been to the states before does anyone have any places that I should have on my to-do list? Places to go? Places to eat? I will have the weekends to myself so travelling around a bit is fine. Want to try and make the most of my time there.


Sloan85 - 8/8/13 at 02:15 PM

Space Needle is pretty cool as well as well as Pike Place Market - You have to check out the guys who throw the fish to each other... amazing. The first ever Starbucks is just down the road from there too.

Food wise, theres an awesome looking burger place called Red Mill Burgers that was on Man vs Food. We drove there from Redmond when we visited my gf's parents only to find out it was closed Mondays so didn't get a chance to try it. Will do this christmas though. Definitely check it out if you can. My girlfriend always goes on about a steak restaurant called Daniels which is expensive but supposed to be amazing. It's in the 21st floor so you get a good view if the city while having dinner. Again, I will be going there at Christmas.

turnipfarmer - 8/8/13 at 02:31 PM

Boeing factory?

sdh2903 - 8/8/13 at 02:36 PM

Originally posted by turnipfarmer
Boeing factory?

Yep sure is

Burgers and steaks sound good. Hope the hotel has a gym or I maybe a little larger on my return.

daveb666 - 8/8/13 at 02:51 PM

Originally posted by sdh2903
Originally posted by turnipfarmer
Boeing factory?

Yep sure is

Burgers and steaks sound good. Hope the hotel has a gym or I maybe a little larger on my return.

Did Route 66 in November last year, was there 3 weeks and put on half a stone (I was only 12 stone wet to begin with!)

GonzoRacer - 8/8/13 at 03:45 PM

Hi Steve-
Sorry, I can't help "directly" with Seattle, since I'm diagonally across the continent from there... However, you should consider signing up on the USA locost site ( and chatting with a couple of our members from that area. SeattleTom is a really nice guy, as well as several others. Look up "Tom’s Car9 – LS3 Build" in the builder's log section. I bet he can help with local advice.

I hope you enjoy your stay in the US!

iank - 8/8/13 at 04:53 PM

There's some interesting public art in Fremont, including the only statue of Lenin in the states, the troll and the rocket.
There's also the first ever Starbucks if you want to say you've been there.

Buses are a cheap and easy way to get around.

benny_toe - 9/8/13 at 04:53 AM

Hi Steve,

I'm rather new to the Seattle area so I might not be the best person to give advice about what to see. You have already been given some good spots.

Email if you are interested in meeting up with a state side Locost builder getting off the tourist path.

sdh2903 - 9/8/13 at 08:56 PM

Cheers for the suggestions, larry expect an email in the near future!

benny_toe - 10/8/13 at 02:00 AM

Hi Steve,

My email address is in my profile.

Where is your training being held?

GonzoRacer - 10/8/13 at 04:16 AM

Good on ya, Larry! Show him that fiberglass work you've been doing!

Thanks for stepping up!


Alan B - 13/8/13 at 09:44 PM

There is a cracking curry place in Redmond...lunch buffet is excellent.....I'll find out what it was called if you are interested.
The whole area is really nice and is very much like England (i.e. mostly sh*te)'ll enjoy it

Alan (ex England, then in NC)