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Birkett 2010 entry form out
MK9R - 24/6/10 at 06:48 AM

As per title, and even more interestingly its being held on the old GP circuit this year and will allow 60 teams!!!! This is going to be fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

modee - 24/6/10 at 09:53 AM

Team Four Corners have already put in the entry for their four Locosts. I would expect TMC to be there as usual but it would be good to have some more Locost teams. You might never have another chance to race on the Historic GP circuit.

MK9R - 24/6/10 at 09:58 AM

Let's hope for better weather this year! 6 hours of dripping wet feet and pants wasn't pleasant last year!

steveiow - 9/7/11 at 08:06 AM

Does anyone know if the 2011 entry form is available yet?

Also, can you run 2 people in 1 car as part of a l;arger team, ie a father/son combo sharing a car who usually race as a team in the Locost series? I am looking at 4 locosts with 6 drivers.

progers - 9/7/11 at 08:49 AM

You can certainly run 2 people in 1 car, as long as you both qualify and have separate numbers to identify you.

I did it last year (in the wet)

- Paul

steveiow - 12/7/11 at 06:07 PM

Thanks for the input chaps. I also had an email from Chris to say Birkett entry form will be out in next week or so. Hopefully have a team sorted by then.

MK9R - 4/8/11 at 12:36 PM

2011 forms came out today, or at least i was nudged to say they were out today. Its on the historic GP circuit again, wahhoooooo!!!! My teams form is already sent off!!