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Global GT Report Snetterton Pics and Vids
eddie99 - 23/5/11 at 10:23 PM

Well the eventful weekend ive been looking forward to is finally over. After 2 months of a lot of stress and money being put into the global, its finally been worthwhile.

We were testing Friday at snetterton, but had some fuel issues which was solved by a new pump and filter off Andy Bates. Qualified in the allcomers 3rd being a radical and a 600hp dax rush. Then after stalling due to radical doing a cv joint at the start meant I was at the back of the field, ended up finishing second catching the dax.

Second race I then had no excuse and stalled again, although managed to get it started much quicker and had a good race back to a couple of secs behind the busa radical. Half way through the race the exhaust pulled itself apart. Went to fix Saturday evening and ended up still working on the car till 2am as the backbox had turned the exhaust packing into fibreglass stone bits.

Then Sunday was bikesports, qualified 10th and 11th beating some tuned hayabusa radicals. And 4 seconds ahead of anyone in class. However as you will see on the video, I got a bit sandwiched. Then second race I chose to start from pitlane and was leading class and had some good battles until I ran out of brakes.

Oh well we have learnt a lot about the car. Managed to get down to late 1.16’s on old tyres so new slicks will be on for next round at donnington. Fair bit to improve on some of the driving but im pleased at it was my first weekend car racing. Some links to videos below and a couple of pictures.

I would just like to say a massive thank you to everyone who has helped. From Gavin (gavin174 on here) who has been a great support, Darren at GTS, Andy and steve at AB Performance, Tony at signtek who has done the graphics. And the RGB lads that helped out with the exhaust Saturday night. Cant wait till Donnington.

Would just like to encourage all those struggling with their cars as they do all become very worthwhile.




[Edited on 23/5/11 by eddie99]

Heather - 24/5/11 at 08:10 AM

Well done Ed

After the stresses of testing well done on a really successful 2 days racing, unfortunately we didn't get to see your 2nd bikesports race, sounds like you were doing really well.

russbost - 24/5/11 at 08:49 AM

Excellent Ed, a brilliant first few races, now if you can learn how to get off the line & how NOT to eat dirt things will only get better.
Watching the video the car looks a little loose at the back end???

ko_racer - 24/5/11 at 09:11 AM

Glad you had a better weekend than I did.

I've just uploaded a bit of video from the start of that race showing your crash from behind.

Snetterton Race 1

Looks to me like the red radical to the right of you caused that one.

progers - 24/5/11 at 10:00 AM

Glad to hear you had a good (albeit eventful) weekend.

Nice to see some RGB people helped you out - we're a nice bunch of lads (and lasses)

Roll on next race!

- Paul

[Edited on 24/5/11 by progers]

eddie99 - 24/5/11 at 01:01 PM

Well we haven't done any real suspension setup to the car, lowered the front of the car about 20mm and rear 10mm saturday evening and corner weighted. Making a bigger front splitter for next round for more front end grip as when we had max downforce from the wing, we had a fair bit of oversteer. Also going to try and take out some weight.

With regards to the crash, the red radical went left because of the stalled stohr infront of him so its not really anyones fault. Just ordered a new front.

Now you've had some time to ponder on things, any idea what you are going to do Keith? Im devastated for you...

ko_racer - 24/5/11 at 02:44 PM

Still not really sure what to do now.
Can't find any hand grenades or explosives in the garage, so the engine will be coming out and getting rebuilt, probably then sell the motor and anciallaries. It's a good engine, it just doesn't work in the global. I'd love to find out why but it's not going to happen unless someone can give me a 100% gaurunteed fix.

I've not got the funds to do anything until the current motor is sold, but it'll either be going back to the old 4xv R1 setup so I can have some track time (and maybe some enjoyment) or I'll go for something different, zx10 (as you've shown that works), CBR1000 or GSXR1000, but it's probably be another year until I can complete that.

On the plus side though, the car handled well and Damian did a great job of mapping it, it was massivly faster than ever before. The failure is deffinetly not down to the mapping, there's some other issue. I'll be back there to get the next engine sorted, even though it's a flippin long way away.

[Edited on 24/5/11 by ko_racer]

eddie99 - 24/5/11 at 04:24 PM

Gottit, we have a mixture of 2 r1 5jj and 4xv engines that can be rebuilt into a good unit if you are interested. If not we know of people with a gsxr 1000 engine for sale if you are thinking of going that way. If not its Andy bates port of call for zx10 or CBR . Get that engine out and sold ASAP, With the complete setup you will get a fair whack of money that can get you out again in that car in a couple of months and with small extra cost, especially with the old r1.

Stuart_B - 24/5/11 at 05:50 PM

well done edd

glad it went well


TimC - 25/5/11 at 07:58 PM

Nice one Ed - quite a debut!

L5W - 28/5/11 at 08:02 PM

Was there on sunday to watch locost racing for the first time. I should had paid attention to the this section of the forum before going so I could have kept a look out for you Ed! Enjoyed the spectating even with the strong wind

anyway, some various pics from the day and a short vid of the locosts, hope the link works. Link
