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Northants Area Group meeting 11th March
jollygreengiant - 8/3/09 at 03:45 AM

Ok lads time is approaching again for our monthly meeting.

Did we decide where we are going to have the meeting this time, did anyone check to see if the Overstone manor was open again.

So many questions....................................

So little time...............................

flange nut - 8/3/09 at 12:17 PM

The Overstone Manor is definately open again, I drove past it yesterday.


jollygreengiant - 8/3/09 at 01:43 PM

Overstone manor then shall we lads?.

Around about 7:30pm (19:30 for the 24hr people)/ 8:00pm (ish) onwards.

Unless other people have other ideas.?

DavidM - 8/3/09 at 10:46 PM

I'll be there.


Trev D - 9/3/09 at 06:58 PM

See you there.

geoffxt - 11/3/09 at 10:12 AM

Hi everyone,
After reading this thread I visited Overstone on Tuesday (a bit late, 8.15pm) and believe it or not there were 4 people eating but no club members. I then went to the Queen Eleanor which was busy but again no members. Where oh where did you all get to.

DavidM - 11/3/09 at 01:06 PM

Originally posted by geoffxt
Hi everyone,
After reading this thread I visited Overstone on Tuesday (a bit late, 8.15pm) and believe it or not there were 4 people eating but no club members. I then went to the Queen Eleanor which was busy but again no members. Where oh where did you all get to.

Hi Geoff,
The meeting is always the 2nd Wednesday of the month, so it is tonight Wednesday 11th March.

Hope to see you at the Overstone Manor.


kelloggs - 11/3/09 at 01:28 PM

yes be there about 7:00 for a curry

907 - 12/3/09 at 12:14 AM

What a nice bunch you are.


Paul G

Trev D - 12/3/09 at 09:30 PM

Hi Paul it was fantastic to see you again did you get home before midnight. Hope to see you soon.

ATB Trev

907 - 12/3/09 at 10:29 PM

Originally posted by Trev D
Hi Paul it was fantastic to see you again did you get home before midnight. Hope to see you soon.

ATB Trev

Just. 11.55pm

Roads were a bit quieter on the way home.

I had a look at kevin's s/s chassis pic. Shame to cover up such a work of art.

Thanks for the hospitality.

See you at the shows. (It's that time of year)

Paul G

[Edited on 12/3/09 by 907]

DIY Si - 13/3/09 at 04:01 PM

I wish you'd said you were going to be there Paul, I would've made more of an effort and turned up! I still have that gauge for you.