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New Forest- Cadnam meet this Tuesday evening
robocog - 8/8/10 at 09:09 PM

Just a reminder that its this Tuesday evening

M27 jn 1
The Sir John Barleycorn pub

Fingers crossed for good weather and a good turnuout :-)


Chippy - 8/8/10 at 09:55 PM

Hi Rob, all things being equal, with good weather I will be in the C/P, rain and I will be in the oil burner in which case will pick you up if you wan't. Cheers Ray

robocog - 9/8/10 at 07:20 AM

Got a fellow round the corner (John) interested in buying a seven esque car coming along (he's being dropped off there) and I have promised him a ride home in Sweet Pea...but he may have to settle on a ride back in the tintop if weather is against us

He's just at the end of a project that he's planning to sell to fund the kit car

I have no doubts he will bring photo's and details :-)


cryoman1965 - 9/8/10 at 01:47 PM

Rob, does he want a ready made car!! Just pay and


robocog - 9/8/10 at 05:15 PM

bring it never know!
Dont fancy a chopper as PX do you?
(as in motorcycle rather than the flying device or man salami)

He's just coming towards the end of a V expensive build ... had a look at it yesterday...coooo

Kind of OCC stylee type thing (but what do I know?)

V V V bling...defo not the kind of thing you would shrug off throwing up the road or take out if there was the remotest chance of dust/dirt on the roads or airbourne insects, let alone damp, rain or salt
A polishers dream

I kind of LOLed when I parked Sweetpea next to it and was worried the rust particles would migrate/contaminate so stood between them as a barrier

Would be good to catch up with you Tues

Will be in tin top if weather looks pants (bring photies if your serious.. as the chappie is pretty keen on getting one)


tandi - 9/8/10 at 06:18 PM

Weather permitting I will be there this time! Be nice to meet some people of this site :-)