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Exeter - not great!
McLannahan - 23/10/10 at 06:52 PM

Just got back from Exeter - sadly spoilt again this year by the weather!

A good turn out for the stands inside - more people inside and more stands too.

Very few KC's outside - and no wonder the weather wasn't great. Raining every few mins.

Was going to re-subscribe to CKC but disappointed to see it had gone up in price and despite me being a subscriber for many years Ian Stent wouldn't let me substitute the free T Shirt for a mug instead. Left with my money in my hand!

So bit disappointed - very few cars to see, £11 to get in and CKC.

Having said that - weather will be better tomorrow so with a better turn out?

snapper - 23/10/10 at 07:11 PM

First.... I did not go..... However, there are less and less good kit car shows, we need shows in different geographical areas for all our sakes and for the good of the business. Perhaps Exeter could move it's dateback to the better weather as Deitling has moved it's forward.
What are the shows we have enjoyed this year? I would suggest the ones with the kit car manufacturers and loads of supliers of, tools, parts and other bits with the boot fair stalls that I get so many bargins from.
I usually have a good bit of cash In my pocket at the shows but struggled at the last one to spend it.

McLannahan - 23/10/10 at 07:14 PM

Ironically Exeter has moved from last year, it's a week earlier to try and catch better weather!

scootz - 23/10/10 at 07:17 PM

IMHO a kit-car show at the end of October is just a complete and utter nonsense!

Summer events would be FAR better attended and enjoyed!

02GF74 - 23/10/10 at 07:38 PM

scootz is right - dummer is bett for kc shows

DorsetStrider - 23/10/10 at 08:08 PM

I had a really enjoyable day... however I have to agree that it wasn't as good this year as it has been in the past.

I think there are several reasons for this... partly the weather and poor turn out of KC's. I also think the recession has put a damper on things... I really struggled to find bargains despite looking hard and like a previous poster said I too left with money in my pocket.

Inside was busy but to be honest I'm sure there were more stalls/stands 2 years ago... or is that just my imagination?

[Edited on 23/10/10 by DorsetStrider]

MikeRJ - 23/10/10 at 08:26 PM

Originally posted by DorsetStriderpoor turn out of KC's

I thought there were actually more cars outside than there were last year. Not quite sure why there was an Allegro parked up in amongst them though!

DorsetStrider - 23/10/10 at 08:32 PM

there were more than last year... but not any where near as many as the two or three previous years. I suspect we have the weather to thank for that.

Re the allegro I spotted that to... and the old MG

Mr G - 24/10/10 at 12:18 AM

They have moved it more than a week, it used to be around the 18th of November at one stage. I remember it raining so hard one year I thought i'd have to purchase a Dutton Mariner to get home


franky - 24/10/10 at 07:57 AM

I didn't think it was too bad compared to Newark. It seemed better thought out and not as 'tacky'. Quite a few cars there including the SR2's new owner.

AdamCKC - 24/10/10 at 09:02 AM

Originally posted by McLannahan
Was going to re-subscribe to CKC but disappointed to see it had gone up in price and despite me being a subscriber for many years Ian Stent wouldn't let me substitute the free T Shirt for a mug instead. Left with my money in my hand!

So bit disappointed - very few cars to see, £11 to get in and CKC.

Sorry you didn't want to resubscribe to CKC. We already reduce the price of a sub by six pounds at the shows, and the free T shirt is an additional offer. We didn't feel we could give away free to one customer something that others have paid for. We are actually quite surprised to be lambasted for offering a freebie to everyone who comes to subscribe at the show.

McLannahan - 24/10/10 at 11:02 AM

Originally posted by AdamCKC
Originally posted by McLannahan
Was going to re-subscribe to CKC but disappointed to see it had gone up in price and despite me being a subscriber for many years Ian Stent wouldn't let me substitute the free T Shirt for a mug instead. Left with my money in my hand!

So bit disappointed - very few cars to see, £11 to get in and CKC.

Sorry you didn't want to resubscribe to CKC. We already reduce the price of a sub by six pounds at the shows, and the free T shirt is an additional offer. We didn't feel we could give away free to one customer something that others have paid for. We are actually quite surprised to be lambasted for offering a freebie to everyone who comes to subscribe at the show.

Thanks for replying Adam. I'm not lambasting you or the team, as I stated - just disappointed.

I did want to re-subscribe to CKC. It's something I've enjoyed doing at the last two or three Exeter shows for the last three years.

Each year I've had a laugh and banter with the staff and was thrilled to receive a plethora of freebies each time. The T shirt and mug (now sadly departed) have been great but appreciating that the T shirt must have a financial worth - I thought substituting this value for a mug would have been similar?

I appreciate that if I'd been rudely demanding a mug and T shirt but that wasn't the case.


Scotty - 25/10/10 at 06:42 AM

Having gone to Exeter on the Sunday, i thought it was brill. lots of cars outside and a very friendly bunch

Normally go to exeter every year, would have said this was the best year yet

bimbleuk - 25/10/10 at 07:11 AM

Sunday weather was blue skies and not too chilly. I was with someone looking to purchase a kit car so they had a look around all the cars which was useful for them. I bought some stubby spanners and a couple of long pliers. Then chatted to Martin on the RAW stand to find out what changed since the change of ownership recently.

The weather on Saturday was a disappoinment as I was at the supercar charity day at Castle Combe. Joe public can turn up and donate to get 5 passenger laps in the car of their choice. Usually very popular and good for the charity but very tricky in the wet conditions this year.

Unfortunately we did joke that the car most likely to go off on the day was a Honda NSX. Sadly the driver proved us right and span it into the barrier later in the day!