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Pedal Box - Help !!
red_five - 27/6/02 at 08:58 PM

My chassis (book) is nearly finished but I've got two concerns - related to the pedal box.
1) What pedal box do i need? Where from? Any mods needed? etc, etc
2) I'm using a Cortina Mk2 1600E engine, box and axle (offset axle reduces already crampt seating area). The bell housing is hydraulically operated. Does this make matters worse for the peadal box? Should I source a cable bell housing?

Thanks, David

JohnFol - 29/6/02 at 07:39 AM

David, I'm at about the same stage. If you get any suggestions let me know.

FYI I have a pedal box off a Mk II Escort that I aim to use, however it's a cable operated clutch

Sparky - 29/6/02 at 07:52 AM

If you could source a Mk1 Escort Mexico Pedal box, you'd have a pedal assembly with not only self contained bias braking but hydraulic clutch operation too.

Might be a bit pricey though

bob - 29/6/02 at 08:07 AM

If you want hydro clutch,the old marina/ital had an all in one pedal box with this.
These pedal boxes bolt straight onto bulkhead,but would have to be set high as pedals are long.
I've seen them in some old cobra's and they look quite neat.
The ital vans had the same system too.

johnston - 5/7/02 at 08:23 PM

heres a link to a works escort site with instructions and diagrams to build your own brake bias box which im sure could be modified for a locost has diagrams for both hydralic and cable clutchs.

site also has some good stuff fot tunin ford pintos and crossflow engines

johnston - 5/7/02 at 08:35 PM

posting the link does help sumtime duhhhh!!!!!!!!