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f1 and 5d is showing on clocks!
chunky2772 - 17/9/10 at 09:13 PM

i have built a locost with a k8 gsxr engine . took it out to test it today and i have an f1 and 5d is showing on the clocks! does anyone know what fault 5d is on the clock? and by the way i take back what i said about wishing i had of gone for an earlyer engine. this thing goes like sh** of a shovel my head was burried in the seat.

cosmick - 17/9/10 at 09:31 PM

You are not showing 5D, you are showing SD for steering Damper. So, you need to fix the problem by fitting a 12ohm resistor where the steering damper used to fit.
And I told you that you wouldn't be disappointed with the performance.

[Edited on 17/9/10 by cosmick]

chunky2772 - 18/9/10 at 08:38 PM

thanks cosmic! been to rs componants and maplins today none of them sell this resistor do you know where i can get one by any chance i car get 15 ohm will that work?

cosmick - 18/9/10 at 09:23 PM

Hi, I have just looked on line at RS components and they list a 12ohm 15 watt resistor part number 160-449. This will easily do the job.

chunky2772 - 19/9/10 at 09:26 AM

i will go back to rs comp they told me they dident do 12 0hm they said they only had 15 ohm 10watt thanks.

chunky2772 - 20/9/10 at 09:28 PM

cosmic! does the steering damper unpluged disable the a,b,c, mode selector on my engine? my resistors on order at rs comp so wont know till it arives! just thought you might know if this is why a,b,c, modes arnt showing on my clocks. (have you got shares in suzuki ha,ha you seem to know what your talking about!) thanks from mick!

cosmick - 21/9/10 at 07:53 AM

The steering damperand the power mode select switch are NOT in any way linked.
The resistor will take care of the SD fault.
As for the ABC power mode, wgen you turn the ignition on, the engine will always default to FULL power. If you had the bike as I do, then the mode select switch has to be held down for 2 seconds to start the ABC mode select. Only then will the power selection show in the clocks. I have fitted a K8 GSX R1000 engine into a car and used the power mode switch on the dashboard using an alternative push button. It is really useful in the wet as you can choose the power output. However in the dry, Full power is all you need.
If you want to connect the power mode up, I can't remember the wire colours but I can look it up.

chunky2772 - 21/9/10 at 08:49 PM

i never thought about doing that mate thanks again! ive got to say you sure know your bike engines (dont know what id do without you) send me your postal address to and i,ll send you some heatshrink tube free as a thank you i sell it on ebay look under locost kit car and youll see what im gona send you!

cosmick - 21/9/10 at 10:44 PM

Thanks for that Chunky.
The car we fitted the K8 1000 engine to was a single seater Jedi race car. It has won every sprint entered since we did the work, recording several FTD's. It is a real performer weighing only 320KGS.
The ABC button on the dash has the words Power Button written around it. It looks really cool and everyone who sees the dash asks what the Power Button does. The owner of the car just laughs and says "you'll see". Nobody realises that actually the Power Button is a power down button not a power up. Keeps em guessing.
I will contact you regarding your offer, I use heat shrink a lot so it will really come in useful.
I hope I have been able to help.

Kind regards, cosmick