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Reverse ??? Which way to go
Steve - 2/5/13 at 08:32 PM

Hi guys just decided to go bec and was just wanting your recommendation for reversing the car. Has anyone made there own electric reverse??
It is a locost so a reverse box is probably out unless someone know where to get the cheap

40inches - 2/5/13 at 08:34 PM

"Reverse ??? Which way to go"


40inches - 2/5/13 at 08:35 PM

I made my own. If you look in my archive, lots of info,if you need any more, U2U me

adithorp - 2/5/13 at 09:29 PM

Originally posted by 40inches
"Reverse ??? Which way to go"


If you hadn't said it I would have.

slingshot2000 - 2/5/13 at 09:37 PM

Originally posted by adithorp
Originally posted by 40inches
"Reverse ??? Which way to go"


If you hadn't said it I would have.

^^^^^^^Me too, must type faster !

Toprivetguns - 3/5/13 at 02:27 AM


I purchased a reverse gear sprocket from MK and a mk 4 golf starter motor from eBay.
I fabricated a few brackets and welded them in place. Cheap, easy and lots of fun learning how
to weld.

Check out my YouTube vid

Rupturedduck - 3/5/13 at 04:40 PM

I've the starter motor and ring gear that was bolted to the sprocket on the Global just sat in a box that I'm happy to sell. There is a bracket too that was used to mount it. If interested I can get a load of photos for you.

doobrychat - 4/5/13 at 10:37 PM

Ahh found you Andy.. thanks for posting that video on youtube, i did comment on it..

i did an exact replicate of your vid with the same items..

i can verify that it works..

thanks again

Toprivetguns - 6/5/13 at 06:04 PM

Originally posted by doobrychat
Ahh found you Andy.. thanks for posting that video on youtube, i did comment on it..

i did an exact replicate of your vid with the same items..

i can verify that it works..

thanks again

Your welcome!