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Sierra MC reservoir
Charlie_Zetec - 16/11/10 at 12:23 AM

Well I was looking at my master cylinder the other day, and doubts were coming into my head. I'm sure it's nothing, but just wanted to check....

I purchased a new Sierra M/C for the build, as the one that came with it hadn't been connected and the ports were opened. It looked like it was taken direct from the donor, and I wasn't prepared to risk such an integral part of the whole driving ethos.... stopping! I had to remove the old reservoir from the original unit and put it on the new one - only thing is, the reservoir was an absolute pig to get off, and doesn't feel as sturdy on the new MC.

On closer inspection it looks attached correctly, but I'm just a bit dubious. Has anyone else come across this before? I was thinking about replacing the two input feeds from a separate relocated reservoir with level sensor and Y-splitter, similar to that of the twin cylinder setups but using a single reservoir. I know this means I'll have to remove and tap the input holes on the cylinder.

Am I being over-dramatic about the whole thing, and paranoid about not being able to stop even though I'm not at the stage of having the car going yet?

HAL 1 - 16/11/10 at 09:02 AM

You shouldn't need to drill and tap anything on your M/C, I got a remote reservoir and the pipes fit onto some rubber or plastic plugs that fitted into the cylinder, I can't remember exactly where i got them from at this moment but i'll look for the receipt when i can, i do know that they were from a cobra chap.
could be worth trying on cobra forum.

I got them from DJ sportscars,
tel 01279 442661
mine cost less than a fiver delivered ( a while back )

[Edited on 16/11/10 by HAL 1]

Bluemoon - 16/11/10 at 12:12 PM

I know what you mean, mine will move for and aft but it is seated correctly, and does not leak. A cable tie around the body and over the reservoir, is a standard thing to do, as they can come adrift in a accident, spilling brake fluid everywhere not good if your exhaust manifold is on that side.. Cable tie fixes that...

I expect as the cylinder get's older the seals will harden, making the reservoir feel better seated (as would be the case for your old one) and a PITA to remove.. This seemed the case for me anyhow (my old cylinder seals were 20 years old!!).
