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Locosts and bike engines in Ontario Canada
Philippe - 13/1/06 at 11:49 AM

Not so long ago I made here a mistaken statement (in good faith) which I wish to correct. I wrote that in Ontario Canada kitcars could not be registered if powered by a motorcycle engine. Apparently I misunderstood the current registration procedure. Locosts have been registered with bike engines (or at least one to my knowledge). Whereas there is a significant "grey area" regarding the suitability of such engines under the "Drive Clean" regime, the licensing procedure does not exclude them.
Personally I have no opinion for or against bike powered Locosts7. Some forumers have pointed me to the fact that bike engines today can be cleaner than yesterday's car engines, and I am sure they are right.

smart51 - 13/1/06 at 11:59 AM

I get 25 MPG from my bike engined car. Something with a big American V8 may only get 5 MPG. Even if my emissions contain a slightly higher percentage of carbon monoxide, for example, the quantity of polution per mile will still be less with my BEC.

jestre - 13/1/06 at 12:05 PM

this may sound offtopic, but my grandfathers caddilac DTS with a 4.6l v8 gets upwards of 32mpg.

graememk - 13/1/06 at 12:32 PM

and how fast is he driving it ?

tks - 13/1/06 at 01:10 PM

the more revs the more fuel....

sow if you can go with 1200rpm 80Km/h...
you will consume allot less then if you do it at 5500rpm.....

anyway i think that any bec looking at its consuming to much but it will be case of bike engines..

its an difficult topic...i think...

i mean an F1 engine is only 3litrs and consumes 2litres one kilometere..

the more HP the engine has in reference with its size...(the more BHP the litre) the more it wil consume
