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DVLA registration inspection
jamrogers - 25/2/09 at 02:46 PM

I had my registration inspection today, turned up with the car on a trailer and the DVLA man checked the chassis number and engine number, had a chat and that was it. All in all it took about 8 minutes. Just waiting for my tax disk and registration doc in the post.

andrew.carwithen - 25/2/09 at 04:58 PM

You could be on the road for the weekend then!!

jamrogers - 1/3/09 at 07:02 PM

nope. still waiting for the postman.....

andrew.carwithen - 2/3/09 at 05:03 PM

Originally posted by jamrogers
nope. still waiting for the postman.....

That's a pity, I was!!
Went up to Exeter after work on Friday with rest of paperwork. Reluctantly, after I explained I had just driven 40 miles to get it registered for the weekend, they agreed to process it there and then.
20 mins later I walked out with tax disc and numberplate authorisation certificate.
Took her out for first time yesterday. (see thread on 'Avon' section.)