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Windscreen Glass
Dave Bailey - 2/8/10 at 02:03 PM

I need to get a screen frame glazed ready for IVA... Anyone know where I can get some glass cut with the correct markings?

I am on the south coast.... (Portsmouth)

Dave B.

wicket - 2/8/10 at 02:40 PM

Not far from you

smudge88 - 2/8/10 at 05:09 PM

I took a paten of my screen to MILTON GLASS SUPPLIES and they cut a piece of 6mm laminate etched with LAM ‘B’ and EN14449
I went to Milton glass on London (A3) road by the junction of ladybridge road or there is an office I believe at 165 winter road Southsea. Shows the same number 02392 732070
I think I paid about £30 a couple of months ago
Hope this helps

RazMan - 2/8/10 at 05:23 PM

Pilkington Queenborough Classic Glass - they do windscreens and special parts from its factory in Queenborough on the Isle of Sheppey in Kent

Dave Bailey - 2/8/10 at 07:57 PM

Thanks Guys... I need to make sure it is E marked and have 43R etched on it plus II or III as advised in the IVA manual...

Thanks very much for the contacts I'll give them a call tomorrow.....

Dave B