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Clip spacing on copper fuel pipe - 25/3/16 at 07:46 PM

I can't find the spec for spacing between p clips for iva does anyone know? I've been flicking through the manual but couldn't find it

designer - 25/3/16 at 08:51 PM

Don't think there is a 'spec', but I always do looms, brake pipes and fuel pipes at 250mm cntres.

adithorp - 25/3/16 at 09:10 PM

There's only a max' spacing in the IVA manual for wiring looms of 300mm. Most people then apply the same to brake and fuel pipes (think manual just says "secure" for them). 250mm will be fine, though try to have a clip next to any tight bend; If they were 125mm either side of a bend, it could flex about and I think I remember someone failing for that.

big-vee-twin - 25/3/16 at 09:10 PM

The only thing they look for is that the pipes do not rubon the chassis but 250-300mm is good.