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Is there someone or company who can help me to get my MK on the road ?
marcotuinenburg - 19/4/08 at 08:05 PM


I'm Marco and i'm living in the Netherlands.
I'm searching for someone or some company in the GB that can help me with the SVA.
I already asked the MK importer but that will take a very long time.
I really would like to SVA it in a few weeks.
It took me 5 years to build a MK Indy with 1999 fireblade engine (with carbs).
I mounted a catalysator because this probably will be needed to get it through the SVA emissions.
I will bring the car to the you and if possible i would like to drive it back to the Netherlands.
Do you guys have any advise for me ?

Thanks, Marco

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graememk - 19/4/08 at 08:09 PM

well theres chris who runs the bec owners club as thats what he does for a living.

but i would give MK themself a call and get them to do it for you

Hellfire - 19/4/08 at 08:10 PM

Have you tried Chris (zxrlocost) who runs the BEC owners club? Not sure if this is a service that he offers but may be worth a try..........


Hammerhead - 19/4/08 at 08:12 PM

go to the links page and click on 'MK Indy Zetec' the guy who built that car, Marcel, is in the Netherlands and SVA'd his car. I'm sure he would advise you.


blakep82 - 19/4/08 at 08:15 PM

i'm surprised that sva can only be done in britain...

marcotuinenburg - 19/4/08 at 08:17 PM

Yes, i know Marcel.
He did with a company in the Netherlands.But when they bring it to England that wil cost a lot more.
I'm still trying to keep it "locost".

zxrlocost - 19/4/08 at 08:47 PM

hi although we still SVA cars I have about 7 cars to currently do in a pecking order this along with SVA times can mean a good few months realistically

through no fault of the customers or my own we have ended up having a couple of cars for longer than anticipated

the SVA form has a presenter box which I put my details in

I have genuinely not built these peoples cars but the SVA have asked for an encyclopedia of documents to prove that the customer has built the car in his own garage it sounds straight forward but believe me it isnt if all the docs cant be supplied ie the customer bought the car off a friend and it was an ex race car or something which is lets say 4 years old etc etc

also the sva paperwork if done to a T is processed in about 7 - 10 days then sent to the local station they may have a 2 day waiting list they may have a 2 month one

ta chris

McLannahan - 19/4/08 at 09:13 PM

I know Worx (Steve) is really busy at the moment but he may be able to help you?

Drop him a U2U to see if he can help or offer advice?

Cheers and all the best with your build

Click here to U2U him!

RK - 19/4/08 at 09:34 PM

I can't believe I am the one saying this, but the question as to why SVA can only be done in the UK is as follows:

It is a British invention to prove conformity to EU regulations. EU would just as soon get rid of the whole idea, but Britain came up with this, as your industry in this area is quite big, and people want it. This allows cars to be let on the road that conform to the EU standards. And each EU country agrees that it won't ban cars once they have proven to conform in another EU country. Most countries can't be bothered, because they have no long history of DIY. Something to do with the war I think... you know, the big one, that we supposedly won??

Got it?

Please correct me if I'm wrong. I don't live in the EU or the UK!!!

[Edited on 19/4/08 by RK]

Macbeast - 20/4/08 at 05:04 AM

You could try Paul Jepson who provides a service for SVA documentation.

+44 118 984 2303

He might also be able to advise you on how to reduce pictures to a reasonable size before posting

bimbleuk - 20/4/08 at 05:10 AM

If you're stuck for someone to help then you could contact Mel at RAW Engineering. They supply the Striker but also do engine conversions and other general kit/sportscar related work. They are obviously going to charge a commercial rate but Mel is very reasonable. They did a pre-SVA conformity check on my kit car as Martin there at RAW has presented dozens of cars through the Cardiff test centre.

Another alternative is the garage I use in Cheltenham again owned by a very reasonable man called Brian. Mech Repairs is the name and I actually built my car in a corner of the workshop as I don't have any space at my house. for Mech Repairs the kit car pictured under projects is mine.

Bluemoon - 20/4/08 at 07:38 AM

Yes RK.. So when you read all the post about people wanting to leve this **** because of country take it with a pinch of salt, the GB ant that bad arfter all (compared with some of the EU anyhow!).. At lest the goverment helped out with the small time car builders, ecentricty that has a goverment policy amazing realy!


lsdweb - 20/4/08 at 08:29 AM

I can recommend somebody in South Wales who put my Fury through SVA when I was ill with meningitis. He's got loads of experience of race car preparation and currently runs a 'normal' garage with MOTs etc..

There's a local SVA centre as well.

Let me kow if you want his details.


mad4x4 - 20/4/08 at 09:19 AM

Is there not an SVA equivilent in the Netherlands surely this is Europe the laws all must be similar

Mave - 20/4/08 at 11:42 AM


Speedon, who took my car through SVA, is no longer offering this service to builders that haven't bought their car at Speedon.

My suggestion would be to contact MK directly, and see what they can do for you.
The good thing about them is, should the car fail first time, that they can solve the issues for you, so you don't have to go back and forth yourself.

Alternatively you could do it yourself. Bertram (link) has just put his GTM Libra through SVA himself.

But whichever way you go; be prepared for a long wait. Probably the quickest way is to do it yourself.

I would advise you to ask Speedon to check the car for SVA compliance, as you tend to go a bit "blind" after years of building. A fresh look from someone who knows what to look for will definately pay off. That's money well spent.

Good luck!

tks - 20/4/08 at 12:25 PM

Originally posted by Mave

Speedon, who took my car through SVA, is no longer offering this service to builders that haven't bought their car at Speedon.

My suggestion would be to contact MK directly, and see what they can do for you.
The good thing about them is, should the car fail first time, that they can solve the issues for you, so you don't have to go back and forth yourself.

Alternatively you could do it yourself. Bertram (link) has just put his GTM Libra through SVA himself.

But whichever way you go; be prepared for a long wait. Probably the quickest way is to do it yourself.

I would advise you to ask Speedon to check the car for SVA compliance, as you tend to go a bit "blind" after years of building. A fresh look from someone who knows what to look for will definately pay off. That's money well spent.

Good luck!

How can you do it yourself??

if you are a foreigner then its impossible.


There isn't another country wich accepts BEC engines.

In germany its feasable to do it. But you need a EURO x compliant Donor Engine..


[Edited on 20/4/08 by tks]

flak monkey - 23/4/08 at 11:45 AM

Give Darren at GTS a ring. He will sort it for you.
