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do twin master cylinders use a servo?
aerosam - 13/1/09 at 06:41 PM

Hi guys,

i'm thinking of junking my donor's pedal box and buying one with twin master cylinders, for better braking balance (my donor beemer weighed the best part of 2 tons) but do twin master cylinder systems use a servo?

if so where does it go?

if not, what is the braking like? is the pedal heavy or hard?



blakep82 - 13/1/09 at 06:46 PM

never seen a servo in a twin M/C set up...
i drove a legends car a few years back, not sure how the weight compares to a 7, but i didn't find the brake too hard. needs a bit more effort, but as long as you know that, it shouldn't be a problem i don't think

i'll be having a twin MC with no servo, my car should be just under a ton

Paul (Notts) - 13/1/09 at 07:05 PM

My V8 viento has a mass of 800+ Kg ( depending on how my diet is going!)
and is quite easy to stop with just the twin cylinder set up.


Just using standard size discs as well - no fancy large ones.

johnston - 13/1/09 at 07:10 PM

I've never had a problem with any car with a twin m/c with no servo..

but did see a servo set up advertised somewhere demon tweeks maybe.. think it was for a pugeot 205/106 or maybe a vw golf