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Hybrid halfshafts
JimM - 4/11/11 at 01:20 PM

Managed to source an LSD and the Lobro halfshafts.

Not having all the parts to go disc at the rear I'd like to stick with the drum set up and go hybrid on the shafts.
Have read various threads on this topic but could not get all the data i need to start this project.

So, not having a clue on how to make this work I'm looking for some instructions and pictures if possible.
Ie what end to you make the change from one to the mixed version and what parts are required.

Idiots guide on steps reequired please ....

Hope you can help.


Hector.Brocklebank - 4/11/11 at 04:19 PM


hows things going ? not spoken to you since Donnington 2007

Speak to your local whizz "minitici" who runs Westgarage Engineering Services

all round good guy, i feel he will manage to help you out

snapper - 4/11/11 at 06:38 PM

Sierra Desiel push fit shafts, remove the tripod at the diff end replace with lobro, job done