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rack mounts
Hopley89 - 31/5/13 at 09:44 PM

whats the best rack mounts soild ally ones or the old school rubber and steel ones ?
i had some steel ones but iv kind of lost the one .. so im going to order some ?!

trextr7monkey - 1/6/13 at 01:40 PM

We just use the steel ones with poly bushes from Rally Design, does the job nicely.

the1theycallthe1 - 2/6/13 at 10:04 AM

I use the solid ally mount ones - but then i've got a poly bush/donut in the middle of the column so there's some give.

A solid mounted rack seems like a good idea - for the first few miles....

Hopley89 - 2/6/13 at 02:00 PM

so DONT get the solid alloy ones ..
the ones i was going to order was the alloy with the little bit of poly at the bottom .. aka
261117818517 ( ebay )

bigfoot4616 - 2/6/13 at 03:18 PM

the alloy ones have never been a problem on my car.