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My New Seats
chrisbeale - 2/1/12 at 10:58 AM

Im very proud of these so i thought i would show them off before i fit them. I think they look the nuts.

[Edited on 1/2/2012 by chrisbeale]

big_wasa - 2/1/12 at 12:02 PM

very nice work.

MikeCapon - 2/1/12 at 12:02 PM

Nice job...

Did you do those yourself or is it a pro job? Looks excellent whatever.

steve m - 2/1/12 at 12:07 PM

Nice job, very retro, like mine


chrisbeale - 2/1/12 at 12:08 PM

my mate at work did them, aircraft trimmer by trade.

black fingernail - 2/1/12 at 12:18 PM

very,very nice, proper 7 type seats. mine are similar but not as pretty, what thickness and type of padding is in the squabs, mine have 3" high density foam, and you dont want to go over 100 miles on them, raising the front edge to transfer a bit of support to your legs helps.

chrisbeale - 2/1/12 at 12:23 PM

2 inch at the rear 3 1/4 at the front. hd chip foam with a 1/4 inch soft scrim foam covering then the flutes are stuffed too

Surrey Dave - 2/1/12 at 01:42 PM

They look very much how my seats were at first also stitched by an aircraft trimmer!

They were suitable for SVA seat belt measurements ,then I re padded them with about 4" on the back, and 2-3" shaped on the squab, I also made wedges that velcro into the back corner to support my lower back a bit , these can be removed if someone with proper leg length wants to drive it!


[Edited on 2/1/12 by Surrey Dave]

steve m - 2/1/12 at 02:04 PM


Can i drive your 7, then???

iank - 2/1/12 at 02:32 PM

Very nice, hope you got mates-rates because I expect that quality to be eye-gougingly expensive at retail

chrisbeale - 2/1/12 at 02:54 PM

Yep mates rates. Not sure what you would have to pay if you got them done professionally. Any ideas?

Surrey Dave - 2/1/12 at 07:53 PM

'Course you can Steve , just divi up for the tax disc ....please!