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Few bits for sale
shh120m - 9/1/12 at 10:44 AM

RX8 5 speed gearbox
Rear diff and carbon fibre prop shaft from donor.

In good condition and nice and clean

Looking for £250 cash on collection


6 piece, brand new unused saturn body set for the haynes roadster,

Nose and scuttle in kawasaki green
Rear and front wheel arches in black
black aeroscreen thrown in

£300 cash on collection from thirsk

Offers maybe considered if there not too daft
I may be able to deliver if its not a million miles away.
Pictures available by email

tel, 07970727994


[Edited on 9/1/12 by shh120m]

bertie_bas205 - 10/1/12 at 02:30 AM

Where abouts on the planet are ye??


shh120m - 10/1/12 at 07:22 AM

sorry thirsk, north yorksjire

shh120m - 11/1/12 at 12:35 PM

any takers?