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carlknight1982 - 8/12/08 at 10:30 AM

My son is driving me nuts about this and i dont want to fork out for a new one, i was talking to aarron on here who was selling his but after some bad luck (hope things improve mate) this has gone tits up, anyone got one for sale?

Mr Whippy - 8/12/08 at 10:33 AM

if you think the box is bad, wait till you see the price of the games

Davey D - 8/12/08 at 10:52 AM

Personally id never buy a 2nd hand Xbox360, as there are so many out there that are faulty, and have been repaired umpteen times.

There are loads of deals out there at the moment for Xbox + games + extra controllers.

and as for the price of games. just look online, and shop around. alot of the time the specialist games shops. i.e GAME, and GameStation are often the most expensive.

i always look at to find who is selling the game i want the cheapest

Mr Whippy - 8/12/08 at 10:57 AM

mines never had a fault and its quite well used now, looks vulnerable to dust though so I hoover the outside down

orbital - 8/12/08 at 11:12 AM

Buy a new one mate with the Falcon motherboard in. You don't have to worry about it dying on you then. Saying that I've got one of the original release versions and it's still going strong (touch wood).

If you keep an eye on places like Hot UK Deals they often have excellent deals regarding Xbox 360's (seen Core systems on there for less than £100). Games don't have to be expensive either. Game, Gamestation, Blockbuster all sell pre-owned games from £4.99 up (got myself Ghost Recon for that much a few weeks back) and they all do weekely special deals for new releases too. Gamestation is doing Fallout 3 for £19.99 at the moment (awesome game!). Both myself and my son have a 360, we play online together and do co-op in some games, it's a laugh.



andybod - 8/12/08 at 11:30 AM

a bit off topic had a xbox360 never had any problems with it however we never used it that much but just bought a ps3 and wow cannot keep off the thing don't ask me why i don't know now back on topic reccomend buy a new one they have come down in money loads there are some good deals out there and you get the warranty just in case.

orbital - 8/12/08 at 11:47 AM

I went the other way. I had a PS3 and my son had a 360. But after noticing that most of the games we had a copy of on each system (COD4, Half Life 2 etc) actually looked and played better on the 360 I sold my PS3 and bought a 360.

