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loan of a db meter
cjtheman - 28/5/09 at 06:09 PM

hi all
has anybody got a db meter i can borrow or know where i can get one reasonable

prawnabie - 28/5/09 at 06:15 PM

CBS do them quite cheap

asl - 28/5/09 at 06:18 PM will loan you one for £9 including package

spdpug98 - 28/5/09 at 06:19 PM

I have just bought one from here, they have one for £34.99

[Edited on 28/5/09 by spdpug98]

MakeEverything - 28/5/09 at 06:23 PM

buy a multi-function "Environment" Meter from your local electrical wholesalers. Theyve normally got a DB meter on them as well as Light and the usual volts, amps etc. Ive got one, its great. cost me £25.

phil m - 28/5/09 at 06:25 PM

I've got a decent one - no probs to borrow - send me a u2u to sort out

Live near Llanelli but travel up and own the M4 everyday

Think we exchanged messages previously on this -


BenB - 28/5/09 at 07:35 PM

Just be aware that unless its calibrated (most aren't or cannot be) it's useless for giving you an absolute figure (IE to go to Mr SVA and say "but MY meter says....".

But they're useful for relative readings (e.g. before and after an exhaust system change)....

cjtheman - 28/5/09 at 09:04 PM

cheers all for comments
phil you have e-mail
ben thats what i want it for
sva fail 105 db
i want to check then aim to reduce 5-10 db with exhaust remake and lots of sound proofing