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Tecdoc + Tomtom maps
DarrenW - 6/6/08 at 08:23 PM

Anyone got a copy of TecDoc? I want to evaluate it before subscribing to it at work.

Im also after new UK and Europe maps for my tomtom. Mine is just the 'One' - so hope Euro maps work on it. Would be useful to take away when i go on business.


JohnN - 6/6/08 at 08:37 PM

Not sure if the maps on there are specific to a pocket pc, or would also work with a "one"

tom windmill - 6/6/08 at 09:09 PM

In true locost fashion i can get you the European maps, i can put them on a CD and post them to you if you like? FOR FREE all you need to make sure is that your TT one is not the V3 with no SD card slot. As long as you have the SD card slot and a 10X read speed SD card you'll be good!

DarrenW - 6/6/08 at 09:38 PM

Ooooh great - yeah mine takes the memory cards. Ive thought of getting new UK maps for a while as i seem to go through fields instead of taking the A1 passed Knottingly power station. Decided to do something about it as this weeks experience ofdriving abroad for first time was enhanced by hiring the Hertx never lost system - except £10 a day when i have tomtom at home is hard to swallow.

Ill send you U2U.

Thanks again.